Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 12 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

To be honest as I embark on the spirit of Christmas journey, I feel flat and defeated and wonder how I can participate in an event that requires random acts of kindness. As I have Cerebral Palsy I need assistance with daily living assistance. Ok so cooking cookies for neighbours is out, but buy 'chocolates' hey I can do that. The other challenge is needing assistance and not letting my workers think I'm gone potty.

One of the greatest challenges when you’re in the position of 'need' is convincing others than you can still offer help and support (to others). Lets face it, it's madness in our shopping centres, car parks and roads at present. Who can't benefit from a touch of kindness this time of year? RAOKS don't need to be acts of charity, but they can be.

Today a friend was having trouble with a website I use regularly, now that's something I can do. It took me a few minutes to walk her through the site and send an ecard, it seemed like nothing, but the smile on her face told me she appreciated my help. As for letting me buy her lunch next week well.. Maybe next Christmas.

So my "12 Gifts Of Christmas' will look different to everyone else's but this time of year any act of kindness is a hit! I do have a Christmas wish you may be able to help me with. I was at the post office today and it was as you can imagine 12 days out from Christmas it was craziness. The guys put out dates every year of last dates to post presents to different destinations and yet we walk in at the last minute in a flap and demand, demand, demand! Can you remember retail staff are just as stressed as you and I, they’ve got the same sort of things to do this time of year as we have. Choose not to make it more stressful do things like post things on time. Simple, doesn't cost anything but makes the world a better place.

Speaking of the post, that gives me an idea - I can blue-tac candy canes to the letter boxes in my unit complex. . ,. It's not too late to start your own 12 Gifts of Christmas sign up now more information is available at It Takes One

1 comment:

  1. Debbie! I love this. Thanks for giving others "alternative ideas." Not everyone can follow the list exactly--but obviously ANY Pay it forward act is going to benefit the world. =) Let me know if you need any help coming up with other ideas! I look forward to your blog posts these next 12 days=) God bless!
