Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The priorities for Disability Care Australia

As I was saying yesterday their is a long road ahead of us as we roll out Disability Care Australia. Firstly there's the major stumbling blocked called the Federal Election on September 7th. Regardless of the outcome we are each responsible for holding the elected government to bring about the full implementations of the scheme.    

Our roll as NDIS advocates is not complete until every person with a permeate significant disability becomes under the umbrella of Disability Care Australia. Nor do I feel as Austrailian's do wee fully understand the mission statement, goals and objectives of Disability Care Australia.

These reach far beyond the provision of individualized support and equipment needs we seem so intent on focusing upon. These are clearly obtainable on the website. The central goal is inclusion.  The exclusion of people with a disability and their families is a human rights issue. Access to funding and services is only a faction of the obstacles we need to hurdle in the years ahead.

We can provide people with first class support services, but unless our homes, transport systems, public places, employment and sporting and recreational areas are fully accessible to all Australians, the the mission of Disability Care Australia has fallen short. Frankly for this system to work we need to lose this 'what about me attitude.' 

Newsflash life is not about you! Full stop! It about each of us coexisting on this planet to ensure each one of us receives and equal playing field and for some of us, that means assistance to get us out  of bed in the morning and wiping of bums!  That is a human right! Not a finical burden.

I watched my friend help her husband sit straighter in his wheelchair today.  She better  not be doing that when she reaches 70.   I make no apologies I need you to understand how many human rights are violated in Australia everyday, and don't get me started on young people living in nursing homes.    ;   

Remember I too have a disability and my own struggles but my job is about others.  My job is about gaining equal access to all Australians. Its a role of education and activation. If I argue for everyone, when its my turn I will be provider with disability care Australia.  Meeting our own agenda wastes time. 

The road ahead can be managed together or we can continue to squabble over whose first in line. We can pour of energy into enabling us all to cross the line or waste our energy by squabble over whose first in line.

I leave you to ponder that as I expand on other objectives under Disability Care Australia. As I understand it the objectives are based around community participation and social inclusion. 

It people can not physical, intellectually, behaviorally access every area of society than we can have full social inclusion.  To maintain contentment while people under 40 are living in nursing home, regardless of their need for 24/7 care is not acceptable in the 21st century. Nor is an inability to access the latest therapies because of costs.  I heard a few silent screams from those in that corner,  Priority should never be based on pester power.

So what area these objectives:

  1. Open access for all!  Councils, states and business fix up your footpaths, building access, hearing loops, braille services, websites, transport system, employment polices, amendments and educational supports.
  2. Get with the program! Understand what disability awareness is because its not about the token employee with a invisible disability.  
  3. Education providing the right support to enable of kids to obtain the highest education possible, inability to mobilized should not be a barrier to education.  Access or lack of access to education should not be a barrier to employment, but the statistics tell the real story.  
  4. Equal access to all forms of employment. 
  5. Access to therapies, health care and equipment income should not determine the quality of service. Nor should a per existing disability exclude you to any public health treatments offered to others! I'll stop there. 
  6. Access to exercise, sport and recreations.  We all know the benefits but some of us can't access facilities and transport is an issue here too.
  7. Livable home and usable cars not just for those who can afford  the modification
  8. Access to the justice system - better use of avociaites in the justice system. 
  9. Personally education of  people living with disabilities around their rights and what the law saids around them. 
  10. Finical protection for those who rely on others to manage their money and support needs. 
Understand these complexities and then tell me we can change everyone over at the switch of a computer button. 

Lets stand together not run to the start line.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Disability Care - The winners and losses

I am guess that's how it feels to many after yesterdays announcement yesterdays announcement by the current Minister Jenny Macklin.  I suspect many Queenslander's again like their other state counterparts feel like they didn't win the lotto again!  More waiting!

You know those pictures on facebook . . . Claim down . . . it's almost the children's bedtime.  I think all us Queenslanders need to take "a chill pill". And clam down to seen yesterday's announcement for what it was. An election promise by Labor, that they may or may not be able to meet it reelected. I don't think anyone should read this as a done deal! Or be too upset that the statement government wasn't consulted.

The timetable for the roll out of Disability Care Australia in any state is fought with difficulties. As a support provider if I had a magic wand  I would let everyone have instant access to Disability Care Australia but I don't.  

Officers need to be establish, staff employed and trained, data bases set up, client goals established and then there the paperwork.  As I talk to clients, staff and services I not sure we quiet understand the huge change in thinking the is required by us all.

Providing more appropriate support, for more people at more appropriate time is only one change that will occur under Disability Care Australia. The changes being rolled out include:-

  • Home modifications
  • Vehicles modifications
  • Early intervention programs
  • equipment
  • accommodation
  • employment
  • community participation
  • and direct support needs 
Where, when and how is the right way too roll out the scheme I don't know and if I did I won't tell you in fear as had occurred over the last two days I would be shot down.  I do know that the next government of Australia will have to navigate with each state government on a roll on plan. 

It is important we as adult take a deep breath and step back.  This is a campaign no one, not even the Prime Minster has the ability to set anything in black and white right now.  Our responsibility right now is to exercise our political voice and tell all politicians what we expect once their party comes to power.

These are peoples lives here! Not a football, People who have heard all the promises before. People who want a magic wand to bring an end to their current suffering.  Smelling it and touch it are two different things . . . And seeing it transpire into something tangible will be different again. 

I know regardless of the where and the when someone else will be disappointed. Where there are winners there's bound to be loses. I also know the sites named yesterday are critical underfunded area based on per head of caper. However to use that rational on a 44 year old person living with CP who has never received government assistance living in Roma is never going to work.  A year or two is life and death for some.

As a friend, an employer and an advocate I am pull in many directions. As a person with a disability who has there own struggles under the current system. I say why not me.  I am 45 and fed up with being dictated to about when and how I am supported.  But my rational head tells me I am better off than that poor soul sitting out in Roma. 

Regardless of who is the first Queensland customer of Disability Care Australia, someone will be complaining they're hard done buy.  Years of pain aren't going to melt away at the stroke of a pen. I said the road ahead has many obstacles and I think we just found one. 

As a service provider and management can I tell you going first. Having my door open for business on 1st July 2016 under a very different service delivery model terrifies me.  The hours I am about to as my staff to spend making perpetration's are uncosted.  With no guarantees of costumers at the other end.  .  , .  I may need the lotto ticket.

Again there are winners and loses.  But can the political tug-a-war wait until we know who has the power to action these promises. People with disabilities have been used as political scrape goats long enough.  

Can the advocates for the NDIS stand up and walk beside those who are hurt and still being hurt be a senseless game of lotto to use labor terminology and not add furl to the fire by pitching one regional against the other. 

The solution once again I do not have just yet. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Disability Care is coming to Ipswich

Many Queenslanders living with disabilities, their families and cares are anxious for details of the structure and time frames that would allow them to benefits from the introduction of Disability Care Australian formerly known the NDIS.  What many were asking was when will know our trail site. 

I can tell you the today current MP's visited the service where I am currently President to announce that the Ipswich Community would be among the first Queenslanders living with disabilities to enjoy the benefits of Disability Care Australia in July 2016. 

As part of a management team providing support to young people with a disability and their families we now have two tasks ahead of us.  One is to ask the NLP to make the shame commitment to the people of Ipswich and the other is two start planning for the 1 July 2016. So we can deliver the type of service that Queenslanders want and deserve.  A Brighter and more dignified lifestyle! Oh so yeah, that happens to be the CATS model of delivery.

But . . . yes, that is what Queenslanders and all Australians living with disabilities, their carers and families are asking for.  A right to make choice and decisions the determine the futures. 

Our goals, our vision and our dreams do not differ because we have some type of limitations.  We want to move aware from community bystanders to community participants.  Only a newly structured system such as Disability Care Australia can deliver the specialized individualized responses that requires.      

I look forward to working closely with the next federal government of Australian to make a smooth transition to the guardianship of Disability Care services provision and leading a strong team at CATS who will deliver you.


Monday, August 19, 2013

The Role of Possibilities

One of the key driving questions in the introduction of Disability Care Australia is What Is Possible? What might a child or adult who acquires a disability later in life be able to achieve if the are given opportunities to receive early intervention and appropriate supports to allow people to achieve their goals. 

Among my friendship networks we had a saying, 'the only disability that limits us is a bad attitude!'  The will always be a small group of individuals who will chose to have a defeatist attitude. However some of the individuals in this group do not have disabilities.  Some of these defeatists are the parents and guardians of those living with disabilities.  Some of these defeatists are teachers, educators, employers, social workers and support workers.  

Among those who are best qualified to assist us in reaching our full potential by enabling us as individuals to set realistic goals for the future are pessimistic about a future even one under the watch of Disability Care Australia.  Luckily these were distance voices in amongst those who championed the NDIS campaign.

Unfortunately we need these champions to keep raising their voices to reminds us what the phrase Everybody Counts means. "Everybody" includes the full spectrum of people living with disabilities. Whether it a young child living in  a family unit or a older adult who has been in long term residential care accommodation.  Regardless of age or type of guardianship arrangements of people living with disabilities the introduction of the new model of Disability Care in Australia, acknowledges the United Nations, Human Rights Convention the all people regardless of the level of ability have a right to choice. 

Under disability Care Australia we hope to see an end to the role of labeling in determining the amount of funding a personal with a disability receives. Each individual who is supported under Disability Care Australian will be asked to set goals for themselves,  a family member or someone who they are guardian for. In cases where that is the Adult Guardian Board I believe the are conflict of interest that need to be addressed and these people need greater access to advocacy in exploring their future under Disability Care Australian.  

How can people with profound disabilities make informed choices for their lives when they do not know or understand the choices and the alternatives. If Disability Care Australia is to remain true to their charter and mission we need to a method to inform and assist with avocation of those who have been in long term care accommodation. If everyone truly counts, then these people should to be offered choices and opportunities to enrich there lives. I don't have the answers, but boy do we advocates need to ask the questions of those who write the policies to protect the most vulnerable or vulnerable.  

We need to see an end to one size fits all approach to care and support of people living with disabilities and their families.  We need to recognized these are individuals, with individual likes and dislikes, simple question like what colour the like to wear?  What are the type of thinks they like to wear? and meal choices, for long term residential care residents is the way to introduce the concept of choice and achieve some sense of self-determination in their lives.

What the possibilities are for me as university graduate all living independently in the community will look very different to someone who has lived all the adult lives in a group home and very different again to a children recently diagnosed with Autism. 

While the question of what is possible? Will need to be explored for each individual and the family unit in which the individual lives and is supported by will be the same.  The list of possibilities will different according to our age, our family background, type of disabilities, level of functioning, intellectual functioning and ability to reason, guardianship arrangements, education background, social networks, support networks, interest, current employment or employment opportunities and many other factors. 

You see how asking one simple question to give people individual choice, creates a complexity of responses, which we can not even begin to explore here.  Disability Care Australia will be required to give a individual response to each individual and there family applying for support.         

Giving people real choices about their lives and the way they wish to be supported both creates endless possibilities and endless complexities. Complexities to which solutions much be found, but the reason why we need to journey slowly and gently together to bring disability Care Australia to its completed destination of caring for all Australians living with a primate and significant disability who are under the age of 65. 

The challenge ahead to to hold tight to the principles Disability Care Australia is founded on and hold governments, agencies, advocates and service providers responsible for delivering on the promises made to us as individuals as Disability Care Australia was launch.  Until every Australian counts the fight is not won. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Disability Care under the microscope.

Transforming the Nation

The introduction of Disability Care Australia began on July 1 2013 in five trail states, despite popular misconceptions its introduction is 'not another funding reform' occurring in the disability sector. Disability Care Australia is designed to transform the lives of people living with disability.

The scheme is designed to empower people with disabilities and their families to give meaningful directions for their lives.  Its major focus is to build an inclusive Australian society through meaningful community participation involving people with disabilities and their family members. 

It is important to remember where an individual experiences disability, in the majority of cases the whole family unit becomes uprooted and thus many begin to disengaged from their community. Where individuals experience significant permanent disability, the family unit is disrupted for the live span of the individuals.

Through the introduction of disability care the Australian government recongeries the Human Rights of people living with disability to enjoy a being part of their community.  People with disabilities and there families are more likely to experience propriety.  This is due to difficulties finding employment and finical and social cost of providing support and care for the person.

In the formation of Disability Care Australia, the government also the potential of people with disabilities to added to the social fabric of life and the economic. If to succeed in its target for community participation and employments targets we and the government have a lot of heard work ahead of us to deliver the objectives under the scheme.

As people continue to join the umbrella of Disability Care Australia we need to ensure along with the choices now being made by individuals and families, that we can agree the targets for participation through things like employment can be reached.  

Revolutionary changes on this scale can not be left to chance. For people living with disability and their families the NDIS campaign that lead to the introduction of Disability care was a long and hard battle and the realization of the time required to transition has produced many tears of frustrations.. 
Why must we continue to wait for this much needed change to occur?

Revolutions and transformation in the way we think and process our ideals takes time.   We need to learn to listen better to what people with disabilities want. In order to achieve the goals and objectives of Disability Care Australia in terms of community participation our communities must become accessible,  our transport systems and customer service for people with disabilities need to be improved and all Australians need to be ready to embrace an truly inclusive society, that is ready to embrace the strengths, gifts and talents that people with disabilities have to share with us.

Provide support services to enable people living with disabilities or appropriate respite care for families and carers to enable them to become part of the community is only one part of the equation, and until now the figures have not be balanced. We need a community ready to embrace 'difference'; A community that is flexible in service delivery to meet the need of all Australian. A community open  to changes in our workforce that  allows for the fatigue and behavioural management issues people living with disability may face. A community willing to learn and explore different ways of communicating. (and that is an area in which only people with disabilities can lead the way, I am only just learning how isolation a hearing impairment can be.) 

Before people are thrust out into a community that is not inclusively ready, we need to assist the community to be ready.  And we can only do that by measuring againist targets.  The Labor Government was very clear when  it launch Disability Care Australia. They wanted to get it right first time round.  

So my friends we need to be patient while we measure and assess these targets can be reached.