Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Developing my online VOICE

Earlier the month I posted on the negative impact that living in this digital age can have on our health. As a participant in Australia’s National Health Awareness Month, I have naturally been monitoring my health more closely. Strangely, after identifying such large negative impact living in a digital age with technology and thus our work lives on tap 24/7; I have been noticing so pretty powerful positive changes in my health and well being due to the birth of the internet and mobile technology.     

As a person with multiple disabilities the introduction of computers, mobile phones and other technological devices I believe has lead to a greater quality of life and increased my ability to participate in the life of the community and most certainly given me a voice. Something the recent death of Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple, gave me case to reflect upon.

Certainly without my bulkily Apple II e completing my degree would of taking me many more years. Today as a writer the internet gives much more powerful voice to my work. One of the challenges I face as a write with a disability is the distribution and marketing of my work. Via the internet in particular social media I am developing an international network with other writers, publishers and bloggers. Without the internet networking on an international level was much more difficult.

Being a fairly new convert to the pool of social media, I am still very much in the process of establishing my online profile, which is why I am very excited about the Internet conference taking place this week. It a great opportunity to read what others are doing, and interact with internet users around the world to assist me in my development of my online voice.  Which of course was the major reason behind me developing this particular blog, I currently manage 6 six blogs and two Facebook pages, besides my personal page.

Facebook which until beginning of last year, I was determine to never join, is now my link to the world. I receive regular updates (or status posts as there known as on facebook) from almost every  organisation I interact with on a professional basis on my Facebook page. OK so I get annoyed at spending 1hr each morning reading my newsfeeds, but I don’t spend hours reading email newsletters and checking individual websites for updates any more. On my Facebook wall each morning is the readers digest of what happening in my professional network system. I even have an events page which has all my internet commitments and I can invite others to personal and professional events and my RSVP and notification and managed from one central point.

Back in the dinosaur world of paperwork, I endure the endless trials of keeping two diaries for personal use and one work so I can submit my work hrs. The number of work things I fail to record in my personal diary and then double book.  Oh the joys of being self-employed and flexible work hours.  Well facebook has elevated some double booking.

Like everything technology and the Internet has the potential to be abused and misused. This potential for negative impacts on our health and increase social isolation did not develop with the introduction of the internet and mobile devices. Only the way we chose to misuse, abuse and damaged our mental well being has changed.

I think we forget we control technology and the need to be alert to the dangers of letting it control our lives is a constant threat. As wonderful as the devices are there is one human task that can’t be undertaken by a computerised object and that is time management. If you are pulling all-nighters, suffering from lack of sleep or become glued to a keyboard, mobile phone and ipad, believe me it is not the fault of the device you’re using. I believe responsible use of technology has great potential benefits in a number of areas of our lives.

I begun my post by reflecting on the positive impact I had notice my internet and mobile technology has had during Australia’s National Health Awareness Month. Due to social networking sites I have actually increased my social interaction. Which is surprising as one of my main objections to joining Facebook was “I have a real life”, as opposed to ‘Facebook’ friends.  At the time many of my friends were caught up in the “Farmville” crazy. All there crops have died and now I am the Facebook fanatic.

The other benefit is I am achieving my writing goals and when I am writing my overall sense of scarification in life and sense of wellbeing have increased. My involvement in BAD #11 was a direct result of my time on Facebook and a link being posted on my wall by an charity I support. I am seeking to find a focus and outlet for my writing so any post of my wall that allows me to explore opportunities I take time read, research and explore.

I know many of my ‘Facebook friends’, don’t follow or subscribe to my blogs so I always put a link to my blog posts in the hope that they are bored and will read my post or share the post with others.  At the head of my blog is a poem called Online it pretty much describes my online lifestyle.

There probably one more benefit to developing an online voice as a result of one of my disabilities I have a speech impairment, in my daily life creates a barrier to some people. In a time poor society people lack the time to listen to my ‘real’ voice. So I am often prejudged as having and intellectual disability which is the case in some people with Cerebral Palsy, but not in mine. Currently in cyberspace and the texting world my speech impairment is non existence. Well at least to we change to skyping and video chat.     

Enjoy using the Internet and your mobile devices just don’t let them use you.                 

Cyberspace VOICE

     The next challenge from the BAD # 11 is to join other bloggers to be a VOICE on the Internet. The BAD team is extending its mission. From one day to establishing a permeate presence on the net. The mission as I understand it is to collect individual voices of bloggers, like myself an from a collective VOICE.  All BAD bloggers are easily identify by the present of the BAD #11 badge on their blogs . 
    The first step in the process is the London conference on cyberspace. As part of this conference BAD bloggers have been invited to give input. There is also the opportunity to take part during the conference. International Conference on the Internet  In the lead up to the conference we are blogging on the topic of the benefits of the Internet and mobile technology, rather interesting given I wrote on their negative impact on our mental health earlier in the month. So look our for my post on developing my voice.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

What happened on BAD 11

2710 bloggers from 170 took part. Each of them writing about food. Sharing their likes and dislikes, cooking tips, photos, videos, farming knowledge or lack of it, asking though questions, and hopefully making us all think about food, where it comes from, what and why we eat, and what the  future may hold.

For full details see Blog Action Day participants

What’s On The Table

While a table of food can draw us together,
As we celebrate the seasons of life,
The food on that table makes a statement
About who’s about  to enjoy its contents.

                                                           Same table, same occasion
                                                           Different people, with different income,
                                                           Different people, from different countries,
                                                           And the food on the table looks very different.

Food that draws us as a community
Now divides us
What’s on the table now . . .
Labels us . . . .

                                                                The have’s or the have’s not,
                                                                The urban or the rural,
                                                                The develop or the developing,
                                                                The thriving or the surviving.

Food! With the power to unite,
Divides and destroys
Humanity with the grip of greed,
Taking whatever it can.


                                                             Nothing shows the divide between people,
                                                             More than the food they put on the table,  
                                                             A snap photo of a dinner table
                                                             Paints the perfect picture of those about to eat it! 

What’s on the table at your place tonight?
And what will it tell me about you?

Poem by Debbie Chilton Copyright (#BAD 11) 2011
Photos by Greenpeace used with permission for world blog action day

Sunday, October 16, 2011

#BAD 11 - Everybody's Talking About Food!

Have you been on twitter? Everybody's Talking About Food! Great! What you on about now Debbie? You talk about food all the time . . . Food, what's new about food to talk about?

Ok since you asked its BAD DAY 11 that is BLOG ACTION DAY 2011. Blog writers from all over the world are posting about FOOD today. So why talk about food? It also is WORLD FOOD DAY.  How much do you think about food?

Well until this morning my thinking about food extended to what in the house do I have that I feel like eating now? Usually, with a thought of how much physical energy do I want to put in to feeding myself. I put zero thought in the chain of events that took place in order for my weekly food online order to arrive on my kitchen bench.  Except for when I had to at the computer to enter in my order. 

But I mean there's been bloggers out there today asking where did my food come from? Do I know? Do I care? Well . . . yes to the second question and yes and no to the first. I know beef mince comes from cows. But I have no idea of who own the cow or which country it was raised in. The tomatoes in my pasta sauce could of been grown in Australia, New Zealand, Europe or even Asia. The days if wandering out to the backyard for my fresh vegetables are foreign to me I confess. 

Many bloggers took time today to argue for a return to the days of self-sufficiency or at least to an organic managed world food trade system.  I myself enjoyed some a the more simplistic blog on foods as part of the school project #BAD 11. How to make organ and lemon cupcakes! Now I sit here wondering how many smiles to faces the that post cause. Just as I am jolted back to reality on food waste - How many cupcakes went into land waste today and how many people in the world went without eating (without choice) today? 

Many bloggers like me wrote on food security? Is it possible to feed the worlds population and what are the challengers ahead, such as climate change. (Read my previous post.) Before I climb into my nice warm cosy bed, I wanted to let you know it you want to join those who are talking about food click here .  Hopefully, in the future I will be more aware of where my food came from and what sacrifices others made so I can eat a nutritionist diet.    

Saturday, October 15, 2011

2011 Blog Action Day! (# BAD 11)



G'day from Australian! Today I am uniting with thousands of other bloggers around the world for World Blogging Action Day. As today is also World Food Day! The topic we were set was "Food", Our posting can be on any topic we chose as long as it relates to food. I have elected to write about food sustainability in an attempt to answer the question Will we be capable of feeding the world's population in 2050? When it is estimated the world population will reach 9 billion.

I guess based on current practise and inaction of world governments and the UN the simple answer is 'no'! We are not able to feed the world now, millions of people around the world are dying of malnutrition. I first wrote on this topic in 1986 for a year 12 assignment.

But back then world was a very different place, the cry against poverty was loud. It was in the media and in our faces 24/7, the entertainment world was in full voice, charities were establish and child sponsorship became popular. I think many of us believe it was at least in theory possible to Feed the world! as the song said as it played on our radios non stop that Christmas.

Back then the famine that sparked my easy was Etorphia and almost everyone knew about and many sort to find a solution and even dared to unite the world for one cause. Today an almost identical situation is occurring in Sudan with civil war, political corruption and greed being major contributing factors although the are also farming   practices  and environment influences. Yet the cries and the pleas for change have stopped.

I would argue in today's world political arena our ability to support the worlds population physical needs is a up hill battle nearing on impossible. But that isn't really the question. If in an ideal world, we got our act together, stop fighting for political control and dominance would we have the resources to support the world's population and what might that entail.
For me the search for the answer lies in an understanding of sustainability and our intellectual and emotional ability to bring about the solutions needed.  Food security or food sustainability means different things to different people. There are many factors at play as we have already seen. Food security at is core is the ability of any given population to secure food supply with out fear of starvation. (Wikipedia/Food Security)

Trade reform and food security (Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations), further argues food security is achieved when all people, all of the time have the means to access food that will sufficiently, safely and nutritiously maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

So another issue to monumentality put aside is any compassity or otherwise to transport food supplies to every person who needs it. If we somehow had the means to do that would we be able to produce enough food.      

Surely a fundamental question we need to ask ourselves here is will the surface of the world still safely produce enough food to nutritiously feed the population at it current growth rate. Here I know I am putting aside differences in standards of living across the globe.

Universal environmental factors the effect food production are availability for fertile land to grow reasonable quality food crops and graze healthy livestocks, suitable quality water supplies, knowledge of best farming practises at the grass roots levels and ongoing access to things like fisheries and any environmental impacts on our water ways and oceans.(.Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations .)

Until recently, nutritional deficiencies only existed in isolated areas and mainly on the continent of Africa. However, these are issues now facing countries such as China, India and even Australia (Wikipedia/Food Security).

Malnutrition is now present in Western Society. Over weight or obess children can also me malnourished. So food security is not just about under supply but the availability of the right types of food and a reasonable and acceptable standard.

Perhaps an even greatest threat to come is climate change.( Potential Impact Climate Change on Food Supply.) Climate change is not just about increased in temperatures which impact on the duration of growing seasons, but also ultraviolet radiation, carbon dioxide, and pest control   Pimentel, et al., "Ethical Issues Concerning Potential Global Climate Change on Food Production." estimated this may decrease food production by as much as 27% in North America alone, unless new agricultural technologies can be developed. Soil  erosion has already claimed a high percentage of land in Africa where best farming practises knowledge might be considered poor.

However soil erosion and over use of land is also becoming a problem in the developed world such as Australia and an increasing problem in Australia is quality grazing land due to long periods of drought. (Climate change and food supply ).

Most current studies on the impact of global warming on crop production indicate we will see a substantial overall drop in crops as a result of climate change (Climate Change and the World Food Supply). However we know in terms of determining food security, the volume of food we are able to produce is not the only determining factor, we also need to consider food quality and its nutritional benefits.

The production of food is not the sole factor is our food supply chain. Crops and livestock are not the only elements of our diets. Seafood and poultry are also eaten by millions around the world. We are already beginning to experience difficulties with the supply of a variety of different species of fish. The quality of our waterways and oceans are under constant threat of population and rising sea waters tempturers will furthermore impact on our sea life. Even by imposing caps and restrictions we already see these resource are fast being depleted.( Is there enough food out there.)

Here we are beginning to see population growth is a very small factor in the food sustainability debate. Traditional models based on birth control and population caps even if they were achievable do not allow for rge change in availability of a number of resources our food production change is dependant upon. The question is not longer about the availability of suitable land, but our ability to adapt of agricultural practices and technologies to the change climate and environments in which we live. (Nelson Farmed Out - Scientific American)

We also know we do not presently consume all the food that we produce, it is estimate that between 30 to 40% of the food that makes it to market is throwing out each year. Worldwide countries differ in the ways they waste food. In the developing world food is largely lost through poor food storage and preservation issues, the ability to transport food across the food supply chain system. In the West it is more likely to be you and I throwing away food because we have brought too much or forget to us it. On estimate is a typical family could avoid wasting around $1000 of food a year. (Godfray, Advanancing Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting )

In all probablity we current do produce enough food to feed the world's population and many argue the problem is not food supply but the global food trade practises. But is there enough food out there to feed an estimated 9 billion people in 2050 and what will be the impact of global warming?

Changing the mind set of the food and agricultural trade markets, and putting a stop to Food Wars the other side of  the equation in sustainable food supplies.  Some would argue that it is not about quality but the menu itself. (A menu for feeding 9 million people). By addressing the efficiency, technology and polices of food production and the World Food Trade markets then we will be conformable able to obtain food security.

Sir John Beddington, chief UK government advisor argues, even by 2030 we are going to need about 50% more food, 40% more available fresh water and something like a 50% reduction in carbon energy. (cited The Advance Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting). If the ability to feed 9 billion people in 2050 were based on those figures alone, assuming we secure a water supply, and miraculously were able to half the amount of carbon energy we use by 2030 we would already have a short fall of 10% food supply. Luckily figures alone don't tell a story and I don't know anything about the quality of food security Beddington was basing his conclusions on.

Accord to Fedoroff, (The Advance Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting) the most critical step we can take towards food security in 2050 is to rethink the agriculture system used would wide. What is needed is an energy and water systems that convert simple compounds into our food and livestock feed and to optimize a global food system that will adapt to local environmental conditions.

The idealist in me wants to say, it is at least feasible that the surface of earth will support 9 billion people, but the reality is too much of the thinking being put for on food sustainability forwards 2050, is both dependent on climate change models that were chosen to be studied and their uncerntities and the unreliability of 'mankind' to work towards 'the great good' makes in a near impossibility.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mid Week Health Check

Thinking about my health and well being progress well . . . if my current stress levels are any indication I not travelling so well. I knew I took to larger bite at October. There's seems so much is happening and when my mind is in the hive of creative activity it has a  tendency to go into order drive. At present I am organizing a Girls Night In which is a fundraiser for the Queensland Cancer Council and I've successfully managed to convince myself that I going to forget something important. Now! Being Health Awareness month I don't want this to turn into a self-fulfilling prophesy! SO TIME OUT!

It's also mental health week so I have written myself a prescription to do something to reward myself tomorrow. A time to stop and celebrate what I have achieve and reflect on the awareness and funds I have already raised this month. Today I was reminded a company who is sponsoring me are also hold their own Girls Night In because I made them aware of the campaign. That in itself is a huge achievement!

Stress can be good is I am channelling it in the right direction and writing list and crossing checking works well! My favorite word to write at present is DONE!

Physically I going ok with my drinking 8 glasses of water and 8 hours of sleep a night . . . How about you? How are you going with you're health goals.

Have you take a break this week? Remember our metal health is just as important as our physical. Take time to smell the roses or have a bubble bath!    

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Thousand Words Can't Say This . . .

Join me Sunday and help save lives . . .

Can we feed 9 billion people in 2050? 

Food For Thought

With World Food Day just a few days away now I thought this quote from Mother Teresa was worth sharing, "If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one." I know I can't change the world. But one by one I hope to change peoples mind sets.
"If you can't feed 100 people , just feed one!" Mother Teresa

Photo: by Greenpeace used by permission for World Blog Action Day Purposes  

To co-inside with world food day, Blog Action Day, on the 16th October, 2011 has elected FOOD as a topic to blog about this year. I have been researching food sustainability for the world in 2050 this week. Can we have food security in 2050 where the population of the world is expected to be 9 billion people? When I chose food security as my topic, I knew nothing of the complexity of the issues involved. It is not simply an issues of availability of suitable land and water supply as I thought. You'll have to pop in on Sunday to see what all the issues are and what my predictions are for the future of world security.

For Blog Action Day to achieve our objectives we also need our blog readers to spead the world the simples way to do that is to share my World Action Day blog posts on your social network sites. Read other blogs on Sunday and if you are a blog writer, unite with us on the 16th October 2011, because one by one we can change  the world. For more information see  Blog Action Day Register


Let's Talk About Food!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Word Blog Action Day 2011



G'day from Australian! Today I am uniting with thousands of other bloggers around the world for World Blogging Action Day. As today is also World Food Day! The topic we were set was "Food", Our posting can be on any topic we chose as long as it relates to food. I have elected to write about food sustainability in an attempt to answer the question Will we be capable of feeding the world's population in 2050? When it is estimated the world population will reach 9 billion.

I guess based on current practise and inaction of world governments and the UN the simple answer is 'no'! We are not able to feed the world now, millions of people around the world are dying of malnutrition. I first wrote on this topic in 1986 for a year 12 assignment.

But back then world was a very different place, the cry against poverty was loud. It was in the media and in our faces 24/7, the entertainment world was in full voice, charities were establish and child sponsorship became popular. I think many of us believe it was at least in theory possible to Feed the world! as the song said as it played on our radios non stop that Christmas.

Back then the famine that sparked my easy was Etorphia and almost everyone knew about and many sort to find a solution and even dared to unite the world for one cause. Today an almost identical situation is occurring in Sudan with civil war, political corruption and greed being major contributing factors although the are also farming   practices  and environment influences. Yet the cries and the pleas for change have stopped.

I would argue in today's world political arena our ability to support the worlds population physical needs is a up hill battle nearing on impossible. But that isn't really the question. If in an ideal world, we got our act together, stop fighting for political control and dominance would we have the resources to support the world's population and what might that entail.
For me the search for the answer lies in an understanding of sustainability and our intellectual and emotional ability to bring about the solutions needed.  Food security or food sustainability means different things to different people. There are many factors at play as we have already seen. Food security at is core is the ability of any given population to secure food supply with out fear of starvation. (Wikipedia/Food Security)

Trade reform and food security (Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations), further argues food security is achieved when all people, all of the time have the means to access food that will sufficiently, safely and nutritiously maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

So another issue to monumentality put aside is any compassity or otherwise to transport food supplies to every person who needs it. If we somehow had the means to do that would we be able to produce enough food.      

Surely a fundamental question we need to ask ourselves here is will the surface of the world still safely produce enough food to nutritiously feed the population at it current growth rate. Here I know I am putting aside differences in standards of living across the globe.

Universal environmental factors the effect food production are availability for fertile land to grow reasonable quality food crops and graze healthy livestocks, suitable quality water supplies, knowledge of best farming practises at the grass roots levels and ongoing access to things like fisheries and any environmental impacts on our water ways and oceans.(.Food and Agricultural Organizations of the United Nations .)

Until recently, nutritional deficiencies only existed in isolated areas and mainly on the continent of Africa. However, these are issues now facing countries such as China, India and even Australia (Wikipedia/Food Security).

Malnutrition is now present in Western Society. Over weight or obess children can also me malnourished. So food security is not just about under supply but the availability of the right types of food and a reasonable and acceptable standard.

Perhaps an even greatest threat to come is climate change.( Potential Impact Climate Change on Food Supply.) Climate change is not just about increased in temperatures which impact on the duration of growing seasons, but also ultraviolet radiation, carbon dioxide, and pest control   Pimentel, et al., "Ethical Issues Concerning Potential Global Climate Change on Food Production." estimated this may decrease food production by as much as 27% in North America alone, unless new agricultural technologies can be developed. Soil  erosion has already claimed a high percentage of land in Africa where best farming practises knowledge might be considered poor.

However soil erosion and over use of land is also becoming a problem in the developed world such as Australia and an increasing problem in Australia is quality grazing land due to long periods of drought. (Climate change and food supply ).

Most current studies on the impact of global warming on crop production indicate we will see a substantial overall drop in crops as a result of climate change (Climate Change and the World Food Supply). However we know in terms of determining food security, the volume of food we are able to produce is not the only determining factor, we also need to consider food quality and its nutritional benefits.

The production of food is not the sole factor is our food supply chain. Crops and livestock are not the only elements of our diets. Seafood and poultry are also eaten by millions around the world. We are already beginning to experience difficulties with the supply of a variety of different species of fish. The quality of our waterways and oceans are under constant threat of population and rising sea waters tempturers will furthermore impact on our sea life. Even by imposing caps and restrictions we already see these resource are fast being depleted.( Is there enough food out there.)

Here we are beginning to see population growth is a very small factor in the food sustainability debate. Traditional models based on birth control and population caps even if they were achievable do not allow for rge change in availability of a number of resources our food production change is dependant upon. The question is not longer about the availability of suitable land, but our ability to adapt of agricultural practices and technologies to the change climate and environments in which we live. (Nelson Farmed Out - Scientific American)

We also know we do not presently consume all the food that we produce, it is estimate that between 30 to 40% of the food that makes it to market is throwing out each year. Worldwide countries differ in the ways they waste food. In the developing world food is largely lost through poor food storage and preservation issues, the ability to transport food across the food supply chain system. In the West it is more likely to be you and I throwing away food because we have brought too much or forget to us it. On estimate is a typical family could avoid wasting around $1000 of food a year. (Godfray, Advanancing Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting )

In all probablity we current do produce enough food to feed the world's population and many argue the problem is not food supply but the global food trade practises. But is there enough food out there to feed an estimated 9 billion people in 2050 and what will be the impact of global warming?

Changing the mind set of the food and agricultural trade markets, and putting a stop to Food Wars the other side of  the equation in sustainable food supplies.  Some would argue that it is not about quality but the menu itself. (A menu for feeding 9 million people). By addressing the efficiency, technology and polices of food production and the World Food Trade markets then we will be conformable able to obtain food security.

Sir John Beddington, chief UK government advisor argues, even by 2030 we are going to need about 50% more food, 40% more available fresh water and something like a 50% reduction in carbon energy. (cited The Advance Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting). If the ability to feed 9 billion people in 2050 were based on those figures alone, assuming we secure a water supply, and miraculously were able to half the amount of carbon energy we use by 2030 we would already have a short fall of 10% food supply. Luckily figures alone don't tell a story and I don't know anything about the quality of food security Beddington was basing his conclusions on.

Accord to Fedoroff, (The Advance Science Serving Society 2011 Annual Meeting) the most critical step we can take towards food security in 2050 is to rethink the agriculture system used would wide. What is needed is an energy and water systems that convert simple compounds into our food and livestock feed and to optimize a global food system that will adapt to local environmental conditions.

The idealist in me wants to say, it is at least feasible that the surface of earth will support 9 billion people, but the reality is too much of the thinking being put for on food sustainability forwards 2050, is both dependent on climate change models that were chosen to be studied and their uncerntities and the unreliability of 'mankind' to work towards 'the great good' makes in a near impossibility.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Real Men Talk!

If real men wear pink then they must talk and share their thoughts and feelings too. And share there problems just like women do. But that's the problem . . . In good old blokey Australian Society, blokes think they need to just 'get over it'! muscle up! get on with the job!

The trouble is . . . depression doesn't work like that. Depression isn't something you can just turn off and our problems don't just go away. In western society, especially in Christian church depression is seen as a weakness and even sinful.  The trouble is in many cases hormones and other brain chemicals are switched on and no amount of positive thinking or 'she'll be right mate' attitude will turn off these chemicals.

Just like dietetics good diet and exercise will help, but medication is needed to correct the chemical imbalance. So why then when it comes to depression and other psychological illness is it different? Is it any more, 'Mate its all in you're mind.' than diabetics.

Technically true, that is so faulty brain thinking patterns occurring and these need addressing, not off the cuff remarks. If you really care about your mate you're take him for a beer or coffee and find out what there thinking. But the chances are once a person is displaying signs that they might be a problem, then there also some chemical imbalances occurring that need correcting, before a person to be able to address any faulty thought processes.

I know this because my thought process were faulty long before I reached out for help and that was before anyone noticed I was in trouble. Mistakenly my GP thought I had a eating disorder as I dropped to just 45 kgs. I can see how that diagnose was made. The point is I was having some real physical symptoms before those around me including my family who I was living with at the time, realised I had clinical depression that needed drug treatment.

I was fortunate that my educational background told me I needed help and my counsellor saw me deteriorating and referred to a doctor help otherwise I was sick enough to become a static. I also had a supportive church that recognized I was medical unwell. Not only did they support me but visited with my family to help them understand why I needed a doctor not just a counsellor. I believe giving support to my family was key to my recovery.

But I was a girl! I knew I needed help! I knew to see a different doctor! And intellectual I knew that this was more than just needing to pull my socks up. I had started counselling long before anyone recognised I was even depressed let alone toying with killing myself.

So if you think you mates not coping, then man up! Be up front, mate your coming for a coffee. I found practical help very helpful. Don't be a counsellor, be a friend go help clean up the yard or shed. Do some office work. Drag your friend out for day at the beach. My friends couldn't make me talk, but the didn't let me sit alone in a dark room either. It took many things to save my life, it took one friend to take me to a counsellor, have coffee and just sit until I was well enough to talk.

Don't be fooled into thinking its all in the mind and you can talk your mate round. Metal health problems take lives just like other medical diseases.

If you or a friend is in trouble pick up the phone, call lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit Beyond Blue. Next Week is Metal Health week. Take time to ask a mate if there OK? Or visit someone you haven't seen for a while. Join the "R U OK" movement and defeat metal health taboos. RUOK Movement           .

Be a real man and talk!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

National Health Awareness Month - Mid-week health check!

How are you faring as you  focus on making a positive change for your health this month? To be honest I'm struggling . . . Those daily Facebook reminders just not enough. Sitting I feeling like a Gonna! Gonna make changes, gonna have breakfast, gonna get back to my exercise program. . . So familiar?

Many of these things are habits, The bad habits like skipping breakfast can be replaced by a good habit of having breakfast. I have a good excuse at present  (so I keep telling myself) sinus. The very fact why I shouldn't be drinking coffee but those 8 glasses of water. In fact for every cup of coffee, I should be drinking 2 glasses of water. . . 

But like I said Health and Wellbeing is more than looking after our physical well being! So how is my mental health check list going . . . Time for spiritual feeding . . . umm! Its happening on the run. Its not the relaxing time where I feel full focus on God or admiring and enjoying his creation. Down time . . .remind me again what I said about down time and computers . . . I have stopped to watch the news and some T.V. and brought a magazine. And I had dinner with my niece, except we were both to exhausted from the pressures of life to enjoy it. But we did put into the schedule so maybe I should lighting up and give myself a point for effort.

OK! Lets explore some positives here like, how is my life sanctification going? Generally, I feel good about life, I feel positive about the direction my life is taking and that I am working toward my writing goals. I feel the please of doing some type of writing activity each day. I feel I've achieved my goal over the last few weeks of stop coping and pasting on to my Girls Night In blog and I been able to write some worthwhile articles. Ok! There's things I'd would like to have done better in terms of organization for the night. But things are coming together and the Girls won't know the things that didn't quiet work out. I have made time for my friends and family this week and enjoy the rich blessings the bring to my life.  

If I had to grade myself on my health awareness report card to date I'd rate myself a "B" I am Aware of what's working and what's not and we're not to far into the month that I can't turn it around!

Establishing good habits is like walking . . . one step at a time! Enjoy your day and take time to enjoy the beauty around you!    

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog Action Day is coming

Last year I joined thousands of bloggers around the the world to blog for clean water. This year the topic to blog about is food. Umm . . . What to blog about?  Why my mother made me eat my greens? Nar! Food horror stories! Nar, you don't want to hear about my families eating habits growing-up! 101 things to do with chocolate! Fun differently but hardly life changing and not very original. Nutrition, a highly over research topic equals boring! Food wars in third world. Sounds like something I wrote about water last year? Can the world's environment feed 9 million people in 2050 . . .    If you've got something you'd like me to discuss on October 16, 2011 Let me know. I'll need a few days to research. So get in quick!

Acknowledging Life

I believe the miracle of LIFE begins at conception. Anybody who argues life isn't given to a foetus hasn't been touch by pregnancy loss, miscarriage, stillbirth or infant lost. October 15  is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. It's a day for parents and other loved ones to acknowledge the lives of children they never meet.

Those who advocate for abortion  argue that an unborn foetus is not 'a life'. However, many of them seem to also consider at point during  the pregnancy when abortion is morally no longer consider appropriate. Which asks the question is a foetus 'alive' at 16 weeks and 2 days and not at 16 weeks? A child or foetus begins to grow from the moment of conception. Cells being to multiply and divide immediately. 

The presence of growth advocates the presence of 'life' itself. But this is not a discussion on abortion, rather a discussing on acknowledging life, embracing life, remembering life, respecting life and grieving the loss of an unborn child or infant under the age of one. 

Most 'parents' greet the news of pregnancy with joy and expectations of what the life of there unborn child will be. Some begin looking for names and talking to their unborn child. They begin to plan and prepare for the babies arrival. The child has already become part of the families life to some extent. So when that child is lost or miscarriage so to are the plans the family had for a child. 

When a baby is lost early in a pregnancy often only its parents may be aware of the lost. But it doesn't make there grief any less real. It often makes it harder because they are unable to share and express their lost to others. The is not burial and ceremony to mark the lost and often people find it hard to find closer. 

A stillbirth on the other hand, begins the same way as any other birth. A mother still goes into labour and delivers her child on she will not hear he child cry. Unless the child dies during the birth process, parents will know there child has pass away before the baby is delivered.  

Imagine you've being planing the arrival of your child for months. Together or maybe through circumstances you're a single mum. you've created a nursery, bought future, clothes, toys, in fact everything your child will need for its first weeks of life. You have a bag packed ready to go to the hospital. Maybe you know the day and may be you don't. . . And then tragedy occurs. 

Perhaps the babies bag is still sitting in the baby's room as the doctor places the child into its mothers arms for what will be the first and last time. The child will not be coming home.  The room holds all the hopes and dreams the parents and any siblings had for their child. Imagine coming home to see the room.  Imagine planing a funereal instead of a naming ceremony.

Or may be your child spent a few days of months in hospital but the with same tragic circumstances occur, coming home to a baby's room that is no longer needed.

Regardless of when and how the children loss their lives. The parents are left to grieve under circumstances many of us can not understand. Pregnancy and Infant Lost Day gives these families the sense of legitimacy they deserve as well as us all 'acknowledging lives' that existed  and with their lost, so to hopes and dreams their parents had for them died. .