Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Let's Talk Inequality!

At the heart of the Human Right Charter set out by the United Nations (UN) is a global response to address the issue of inequality. Sadly in the world today many rights of minority groups are violated daily, in the most horrific ways.

Imagine from the BBC News

Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a statement “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Everyone regardless of race, colour, sex, religion, political or other opinion, nation or country of origin, property, birth or other status is entitled to the same rights and freedoms.” (Articles 1 & 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Image OSB Syrian Conflict

In essentially inequity can only exist when a person or group of people display actions of superiority over another person or group of persons. Superiority, denotes the presences of hierarchy in society, in which a person or persons takes a position of dominance other others. In this situation a situation of inequality and perhaps a restriction of rights are born.

The establishment of the NAZI party and attempts to erratic the Jewish population is perhaps the most famous case of the excretion of superiority is history. In all areas of conflict the excretion of superiority through the abuse of authority has arisen. However conflict is rarely played out on the world stage such as the current conflict created by the rise of isos in the Middle East.    

Source: Sydney Morning Herald The World

Conflict exists all around us, even in the family home and can lead to authoritative and thus abusive situations when the rights of another person are deny. The presence of domestic violence is an example where conflict where is born form inequality and excretion of superiority is practiced. 


As someone who belongs to a minority group and experiences inequality everyday I recent penned this poem for 3rd December which is International day for people with disabilities.  

We are people like us.

Spinning on wheels,
Searching for deals.
We like a night out,
Watching the football.
Sometimes the TV calls.
We are people like us.

We’re mothers and fathers,
Your sons and daughters.
The sisters who become best friends.
We’re your uncles, your aunts,
Even your grandmothers.
We are people like us.

We’re the poets and artists,
Craftsmen and cabinet makers.
The apprentice chefs,
Your IT specialists.
Even the law makers.
We are people like us.

We tap on our keys,
Surfing the net.
Use voice activation
On our modified boards.
Even read books in Braille.
We are people like us.

We laugh and cry
Through life’s highs and lows.
We celebrate birth,
And watch those we love die.
We journey with the joy and the sorrow.
We are people like us.

We play soccer and footy,
Take on the basketball courts.
We wheel through marathons,
And race the 100 metres too.
Even become elite athletes.
We are people like us.

We sing and we dance,
And watch our children play.
We cook cakes for the school fete,
As we tuck our kids in at night.
We pray that they’ll be alright.
We are people like us.

We attend schools and TAFE,
Some of us study for life.
We ride trains to arrive at work,
We pay our bills, even the rent,
Often spending too much on food.
We are people like us.

But too many of us live in homes,
Where others residents are about eighty. 
We take our pain killers and medicine,
Watch TV instead of going out dating.
Craving real coffee from Coffee Club.
We are people like us.

Some of us choose to be trapped,
Others fight the boxes that box us in.
Houses and housemates we may not like,
Doing the same thing despite true passions.
Not living, rather, just existing.
We are people like us.

We are people like us.
Brothers and sisters,
Journeying through life.
Laughing with you,
Carrying your sorrow too.
We are people just like you.

You make us different,
Stand us apart.
Create little boxes to fit us in.
Insist on hiding us away.
Pretend we don’t belong, when
We are people just like you.

Debbie Chilton © Copyright 2014

In terms of human rights, people living with disabilities in Australia are far for equals.  In terms of standards of living, access to education, access to the justice system, employment opportunities and basic safety from being abused by those who feel superior to us.

Today we're talking inequality and to day bloggers are addressing the many difference faces and issues inequality allows to arise.

Under our skin - in the blood and bones. in what makes us humane - people are all the same!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Three days to go . . .

Let's Talk Inequality!

In the words of Sandra Bullock 

We are all born Free and equal

Put a stop to