Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Adventure All The Way!

Wow! I thought I have a spirit of get-up-and-go! I have tried to live my life determined that my disabilities would never define who I am and what I could achieve.  And in the main I have been fairly successfully, achieving all my mild stones goals. Like attending university, writing a book,  even living independently and now looking at making my art more publicly available.   However, my very limited understanding of what is possible has recently been challenged.
Sight Seeing in New York

This challenge came from one of the 2012 graduates’ of The Leaders for Tomorrow, “Wild Thing!” Marlena Katene, a young lady that obviously has no time to worry about how others may perceive her; preconceptions of what people with profound disabilities can achieve; what is safe or normal. Make no mistake this is a woman who knows her own mind and sets her own agenda.
Marlena Tackles Human Nature 

My first introduction to Marlena and her journalistic talents was on U-tube Marlena interviewing Rove . Marlena has big ambitions  in terms of her career goals,  such as being the next Molly Meldom, minus the hat of course. I must say given she is still a student  and has already has interviewed the likes of Rove, Snoope Dog & Wynter Gordon, Joel Parkinson, Ricky Martin, Delta Goodrem and the guys from Human Nature, she has already earned respect as a journalist in the entertainment industry and has a huge career ahead of her.
Marlena Chatting with Delta Goodrem

Outstanding achievements for any young woman of 22 years of age, yet astonishingly Marlena has little control over her vocal cords and needs to use her ipad to communication and the frustration the relying on technology to assist this process. However Marlena holds not fears and seems to be the kind of person to jumps in with two feet and worries about technical hitches later.

Yet her journalist interests are only one layer to the life this lady lives at full speed. Marlena is very entrepreneurial  in her outlook on the future and in not way content to sit back and wait for opportunities to come her way.  Currently she runs a jumping castle business on the Gold Coast.  It seems this amazing lady has a huge personality the draws people into a small team around her to get things done.  Not sure how much she pays her staff to lug these huge jumping castles round to birthday parties and markets every weekend. Rest assure Marlena Katene is one Australian with a disability who is not going to rely on your tax payer dollars to support her.
Marlen's latest addition to her castle kingdom.
Burliegh Bouncers
Jumping Castle Hire

While my dreams involve tackling Disability Awareness in Ipswich so people with all types of disabilities can have a voice in their choose life path Marlena is tackling the world head on and holding her head up high.  With people like Marlena beside me I am confident a world of social inclusion is not very far off.

The world is Marlena's playground and her journey just began . . . 

I believe in tomorrows becoming todays. However Marlena my friend I am still not coming skydiving with you next week!  

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Leadership Dreams

In December I was fortunate enough to join the Leaders for Tomorrow Program. The program is funding by the federal government. In my understanding it is a prequel to the NDIS. The program is about support people with a disability to embark in leadership roles in sport, arts, culture, employment and government to name a few of the options. 

I  am really excited as I started my leadership dreamings and exploring some goals I like to take a stab at in 2013 and beyond.

Leadership Retreat December 2012

My Leadership Dreams

My leadership dreams center around full social inclusion for people with a disability in the Ipswich region. In my travels I meet many people with a disability who I think could help shape Ipswich into a great city for people to live, work and play, however aren’t given the opportunity to do so. During 2013 I want to gain skills to enable me to encourage other people with disabilities to be more active in our community, workplace and decision making processes.

Not side by side, where people with disabilities have an opportunity to shape their futures, rather where people with disabilities work with others in the community to influence the future directions of this great city.

Big dream huh? That’s just what they are dreams rather than goals. However, while my local community is my target, eventually there’ll be 200 leaders with a disability across Australia working towards similar goals. 

My goals span over a 10 year period, so you’ll be happy to know, I’m not planning to achieve this in 2013! Currently I have 4 goals I wanting to work towards.  Some goals will be completed by 2014 but most won’t.

My Leadership Goals

I am hoping my passion for the ‘arts’ will take center stage in 2013, as I work towards achieving my goals! Including working towards my own art exhibition in 2014!

2.   An art retreat to train artists with a disability in the West Morten Area in their area of arts interest.

3.   Working towards Disability Awareness in Ipswich city.

4.   Training and mentoring people with a disability who seek to engage in leadership positions which  will enable them to help shape the future of this region.

While my goals centew around working with people with disabilities in 2013, my dream is this will launch then into main stream community involvements through their own individual interests, whether the be sporting, leisure, the arts, leadership in the workplace, education, advocacy roles, community roles or political.

Of course a large part of my dream is dependent on the introduction of the NDIS.  So as part of my new role is  assisting with Disability Awareness in the Blair.

Looking forward to sharing my leadership journey through out the year.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Madman or Victim – Where is the love?

On December 14, 28 people died in the small town. Newtown, Connecticut. However on social media sites such as facebook and twitter the focus has been on the faces of 20 school children who went to school happy and who never return home.  Other memorials recall the heroic acts of the six teachers were gunned down in there attempts to save the lives of their students. There are a few who included the mother, of thus man who took 27 lives using three of her four guns.  Only the odd tweet and posts remember a young man, who was hurting so bad that the only way he felt he could express his hurt was to take the lives of 27 people before turning the gun on himself.  He was so angry that taking his own life was no enough.

As a community and perhaps humanity begins to look for clues and answers of how to stop these mass killings from occurring, the truth is we will never know why or fully understand why this man, choose  this day, at this time to take 27 lives with him to the other side of life.

While thousands are blaming gun laws and other blogs are debating who is a good person and ‘what is a bad person’.  Deciding the children are angels in heaven and the ‘bad man’ has gone to hell. The real question is how did society fail this man so badly that he killed 27 innocent people? It is this thought that leads me personally to label the man the 28th victim.

Was this the action of a madman? I am not sure as I have not seen him as a patient for psychological analysis. However one would be hard pressed to say these were the actions of someone with a sound mind.
Rather the events of Dec 14 were planned by a young man full of pain, hurt and anger. The question is not why he did this. I doubt there will be a logical answer. But what were the cirmstances that lead to this powerful display of violence? I like many can’t help the questions my mind has asked since the shootings? Why, was he hurting? Who hurt him and how?  How many times was he hurt?  Was it one person or was he abused over many years? What was his mother like? Why, was she a gun collector? Did he hate his mother? If so, why did he hate his mother? Was he jealous of the school children?  Did he wish he wasn’t home school? Where is his father? Did he blame his mother for letting someone hurt him?  All questions to which we will never for certain know the answers.

Was he a ‘madman’ or just a ‘bad man’, as others have suggested.  Being so young some may might be tempted to ask if this young man was just ‘born evil’. As a Christian and a Behavioural Scientist I do not believe a person is born ‘good’ or ‘evil’ or just plain bad.  The bible tells us That all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Daniel Scott whose daughter died in the Columbine School shooting describes the balance of good and evil present in each of us; "Since the dawn of creation there has been good and evil in the hearts of men and women. We all contain the seeds of violence.  The death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joy Scoot, and the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other eleven children who died must not be in vain, Their blood cries out for answers."

When we are born we have an inheritant natural to do the wrong thing.  Our parents are usual the first ones to help us understand right from wrong.  Later there are school teachers, pastors, Sunday school teacher, Principals, policeman and bosses who help shape our understanding of the concepts of ‘good’ and ’evil’. Sadly not all people who influence our children’s lives are the types of influences we would choose for our children.  So often we here the phase “he or she has fallen into the wrong crowd’.  This is what is known as the ‘nature’ of the child vs the ‘nurture’ of a child.

To blame this young man’s parent’s for his unstable mind and any faulting thinking would be wrong.  A person’s behaviour is generally the end product of the chemical make-up of the brain and the sum influence of their environment. In other words society as a whole shapes who we are as individuals.

Sadly for some people their personality make-up might be such that the negative influence of even one or two people can determine their choice to perform what we may call bad acts.  However others seem to undergo tremendous trauma and go on to live what we might call good lives. Of course we know there are times when human behaviour is chemically altered by illegal drugs and alcohol.

Nor will the call for tighter gun control prevent further school shootings.  Again the voice of Daniel Scott expressed this so well to Congress "I do not even own a gun. I am not here to represent or defend the NRA - because I don't believe they are responsible for my daughter's death. Therefore I do not believe that they need to be defended. If I believe they had anything to do with Rachel's muder I would be their strongest opponent."

It is interesting that Conneticut has some of the strongest gun laws in the USA, and yet they did not prevent this tragic event.  This man first tried to buy a gun, but was unable. Not living in a 'gun culture' I do not begin to understand why anyone would want to own a gun, other than sporting reasons.  I am sure individuals have a variety of personal reasons for gun ownership.  Australia has some of the toughest gun regulations in the world and yet their were two separate shootings on the news this morning.  Our gun laws fail to provide us with full protection to pretend otherwise is foolish. "Guns do not kill people! Other people kill people". Guns just mean hat killing on a large scale such as we saw in Newtown is possible.  The are many of ways people find to murder people for whatever reason. 

Hopefully the thoughts I have expressed here show fruitless the search for answer is with complex individual such as ourselves.  For whatever reason this man was hurting and we as a collective society “unintentionally” fail him.  Leaving me to include him in the count of victims in the Newtown School shootings.
'Perhaps hate is best describe as the absence of love'
Please take every opportunity to let your children know they are loved.