Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

My two and a half cents worth on the NDIS

Here’s my two cents on the Reality of NDIS or Disability Care Australia.  The introduction of Disability Care Australia is about eight weeks away form introduction. Regardless of how you feel or view its introduction is about be rolled out. Both sides federal government are on agreement on the introduction of a ‘federal oversight for disability support services. 

Today’s announcement of an increase to the medicare levy has nothing to do with people with disabilities or us the NDIS campaigners, so sorry if I’m a little taken back by the small minority of taxpayers who are venting their dislike to the increase to the medicare levy.  Which for all intentionally purposes is a form of tax, which the labour government has decided will be used to fund Disability Care.

Regardless of how the government choses to balance the books of the upcoming federal government is incorrect to put it at the feet of those of us who have disabilities. We are not the cause of your medicare levy just people who by default may or may not benefit.

May I add that people with disabilities and their carers are also tax payers.  The media commentators are behaving like all people who may benefit for the introduction of Disability Care Australia are unemployable. Don’t worry commentators aren’t the only ones who are month off by misusing facts and figures.  The plenty of people with disability and family carers with mixed view on the introduction of the scheme.  A new government is once again asking us to trust them to get the funding arrangements for ‘our care’; ‘our equipment and medical needs’ and ‘our therapies needs’ right.

To our fellow taxpayers this many be about dollars and cents to you, but for those of us the live with disabilities, our families and carers, this is about who gets us out of bed and feeds us breakfast?  Disability Care is about my right to chose what time I get up in the morning and whether  I want a shower before or after work. These are choices our fellow Australians take from granted. The choice to be assisted to go to the toilet or wear a incontinent pad all day.  Let’s get the fact straight we’re not asking for a trip to sea world once a year, for some of us having the right to most basic choices is what we have campaign for.

A very small percentage of people who will be eligible for support from Disability Care Australia will have very high dependency support needs resulting in 24 hr care.  Yes these people form a portion of the recipients who are unable to work and contribute to the federal governments income.  However regardless of who we are and the hours of week we work we the consumers all pay tax its called GST.

The issues surround the introduction of Disability Care Australia are merkly and I get a lot of needs to be define answers to questions.  We are going into this new arrange based on a knowledge of what we know.  Many people reliant on support services are very sceptical and just expect more of the same with new packaging.  But what is promised to be delivered is a 21st  century approach to the 21st  needs and choices of people with disabilities.

The NDIS campaign has been based on the desire of people with disabilities, their families and carers to be included in every aspect of society.  For people the level of inclusion will vary will their individual compasitiy to participate. For a small group of about 6 000 young adults it is the opportunity to choice alternative accommodation to aged care facilities,  for each individual that will look different depending on a number of lifestyle choices. 

This a revolutionary system designed to be driven by the market demands of the individuals who are eligible to use it.  Services will cease to be able to dictate how and when they will meet the ‘perceived needs’ of their clients, hence many are on the back foot and defensive. If clients don’t -want to attend respite care but chose one-to-care to go off to tafe, uni or study from home, providing the individual has the $ to purchase the service must provide it or the client is free to go to the market and use the funding to access a service that allows him to buy one-to-one care.  Likewise if a client wants five days a week centre based  care to meet their high support and social interaction needs at the same time, provided they have they funding they can make that choice.

Funding will no longer be calculated on meeting needs, rather on enabling the person to achieve the goals, which will be driven be lifestyles choice. To image assistance to training and work require huge changes to my thinking. Until now if you could study or work in open employment support was not an option.  Now if some choses to work and support worker can go in at lunch to support them feed them lunch and attend to needs.

A parent  will be able to chose any school for their child.  Rather than be dependent on schools who provided the needed educational support, the government under the ndis most support the families choice as long as them meet the stated goals.  For a child with a hearing impairment that may mean an interrupter for the school day. A hearing impaired child will be able to attend a local school weather they living in Alice Springs or Port Lincoln.

While employment for people with disabilities remains the biggest challenge under the Disability Care Australia, its introduction and market driven client choice could mean creation of new jobs as people with disabilities seek out new opportunities and new possibilities in the way the achieve their lifestyle goals.  Teachers-aid for impaired maybe able to assist with another children in the same class parents could then chose  to pool the resources and purchase other therapies such as early intervention speech theraphy or physio stimulation.

Such a fundamental shift in the way funding is distributed means a huge shift in the way each of us thinks about the support needs.  Is there any wonder why myths, confusion and uncertainty exist. Now I get why we need 5 years, to completely dismantle systems across the states and territories and built an new system based on market place demand and supply mechanisms .  A service can offer any type of service they like, buy it will be the purchase power of the clients with there funding who shape what is viable in the area.
It no service meets their needs or they simply chose not to use a service they can directly employ their staff themselves and that has a lot of people worried.

Eligibility for the scheme is not means tested.  It is base on what is fair and reasonable. Right now much equipment, motor vechial and home modification are means tested or not offered.  If you need a wheelchair get around your house in is unreasonable to expect siblings to carry you or push you in a oversize stroller. Access to mobility aids should be dependent on exposable income or fundraising.  Parent should have to have cake stalls at school gates to buy a child a wheelchair.
At the risk of offend my fellow taxpayers independent mobility is a basic human right, a wheelchair is just as essential as clean drinking water.  Yes people can survive without it but they should have not.  All Australians who are eligible under Disability care should be entitle to a mobility device, a guide or assistance dog, car and house modifications regardless of their income.

I my view the NDIS or Disability Care should where possible be on an even playing field for me that’s providing a power wheelchair, some help around home and a worker to help me safely access the community while I am performing one of my many community roles.    Is not about providing care but enabling all Australians the fighting chance to reach that potential. 

Until we squash this nourish of ‘need’ or ‘charity’ in supporting people with disabilities. Until we get that this is not icing on the cake.  Until people understand the NDIS is about an equal right to choice for all Australians. People will continue to struggle to understand what the NDIS aims to achieve. I can’t give you a picture of what NDIS looks like, because for each of us it will look totally different. That’s the trouble there is nothing we can compare it too.

Well my fellow Australian’s that’s more than my two and a half cents worth. So its over to you let me know what you think.


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