Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Made By Designed

As a Christian I believe my birth and circumstance leading to my disabilities were not the result of some random events that occurred on the 10 September 1968. Rather I was an individually designed by my heavenly father and I can with a special instruction book to help me developed and mature into the women of God, I am to day. Here’s what my instruction manual has to say about my birth.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me tother in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before even one of them came into being. How precious to me are your thoughts Lord. ( extracts of ps 139)

The user guide that I was give with my broken body said the following about its use and the author.

Your precepts were laid before me, O Lord. Oh that I steadfast obey your laws. That I would not be put to shame, having considered all that you have commend me, Even if I were to laid in the dust, you would preserve my life, according to your word. You have caused to have understanding of your laws. I will meditate on your wonderful deeds and consider the way I take the steps of my life.  Your hands have formed me and given me understanding, that your love and compassion may order my life. Oh how I delight in your law, which lights a path for my feet to follow. (Rephrased for Psalm 119).   

Yet even many Christian refute my interpretation of Psalm 139. A perfect God creates perfectly. Which we are told in Genesis Chapter 1  God saw all that he had made and it was good. However, I argue that that is just the beginning of the story. All was perfect until the fall in Genesis Chapter 3. Since then when have lived in a fallen and corrupt world, any read of the Old Testament makes that clear.

I do not believe God finished creating on the seventh day Then God blessed the seventh day and mad it holy, because on it he rested form all the work of creating he had done. (Genesis 2:3) Did you read that he ‘rested’ he didn’t stop the work of creating. It is difficult to read Psalm 139 and believe God stop creating on day 7. I believe God is still creating today.  He creates each individual to be individuals, whether they acknowledge it all not.

So why if we are fearful and wonderful made in the imagine of God are we not perfect. Well have you ever followed a cake recipe? Is  every cake you make using that recipe the same or does the imagine look the same.  We are created from a perfect imagine and we are perfectly created, that is not the same as being created perfect person. I have no problem with being perfectly created with a disability. Am I am less perfectly created that a person who acquires disability during the course of there life?  I don’t believe the is any thing in the user’s guide to support that analysis. We were born by design each with our on imperfections of being created in a perfect imagine, I believe only the original being was perfect, we know not even the angels were created perfectly otherwise Satin would of never challenged God.

Being unwell this week has meant I have been reflecting on how individualised each of us really are. Despite being perfectly created our bodies are in a constant state of decay. Yet we each deteriorate at different rates, are affected by different aliments, need a variety of different drugs to treat the same illness.  When it comes to medicine there is not blue print contained in the users guides. Only suggestions, hints and guides, even the ever growing popular healings in the charismatic movement are individualised and not every one in the New Testament is healed.  Do we need any further proof that we are handcrafted designs than the fact we each require different responses as we decay.

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