Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

It is the Season

The Christmas decorations are up in the shops and people are wrapping their presents, even Santa Claus is arriving in town. But in the mist of this party season do we know what the true meaning of Christmas is or have we forgotten the simple magic of Christmas.

I live in Australian so its hot and sticky this time of year and people often escape to the air-conditioning of their local shopping centre where its impossible to escape the commencerism of the Christmas Season. Do we remember why we're out buying gifts this time of year? Or are we just stressed out by the number of times we find ourselves using our Credit Cards? Becoming hot and bothered by the stress of find the perfect gift for Aunty Mary. Are we concerned the kids next door will get better presents than the kids down the road.

Lets take a deep breath and slow down a minute and think about what and why we are celebrating Christmas.

Here are some reasons people celebrate the season of Christmas:-

  1. Remembering the gift God first gave to us.
  2. A religious Holy Day 
  3. A chance to give gifts
  4. Family
  5. A celebration of friendship and love.
  6. Being with the people most important to you
  7. Giving to others who are unable to give back 
Wishing each other a Merry Christmas shouldn't be about over eating and drinking until we can't stand up. Another thing Christmas is about for me is memories and that's why the memories of my childhood Christmases are so precious to me. My Grandmother passed away the year I turned 18, Christmas has never felt the same since, perhaps that said more about my relationship with my grandmother than it does about Christmas.

However as a Christian, Christmas is all about relationships. Its about my relationship with God and the gifts he has given me; Its about my relationships with my friends and family; Its about the meaning each of those relationships  brings to my life; Its about giving - personally the best presents are the ones I give to others, they bring more joy to my world than any gifts I receive on Christmas Day and its about sharing joy with people I don't even know.

My challenge to you is to slow down before the Silly Season really starts and reflect on why you are about to celebrate and how to do that more appropriately this year. I won't wish you a Merry Christmas this year. . .

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