Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Goals Posts for Support Workers

In terms of the commencement of Disability Care Australia little has been discussed in terms of the most significant relationships in the care of people living with disability and their families.  This is the pay role of a support person.  Under Disability Care Australia a support person may be a teachers aid, a therapist, a paid attendant carer, a nurse, paid carer or support worker.

What role and how a person is ‘employed’ after each state switches to the new system should  look very differently from worker to worker and be different for each individual client depending on their support goals.

The Game is About to Change

For the distance the day to day operation of Disability Care Australia may not look any different except for an expansion of the number of people who are able to be supported.  Once fully implemented in Queensland, about double the number of people who currently receive support care will be supported by Disability Care Australia.

A lot of confusion still exist in the Community about who will be eligible for support post 2016 in Queensland.

ü  A young person with a significant disability who requires assistance with daily living and their direct caregiver and family where appropriate. (Under the lesigation a young person is someone under the age of 65 as at 1st July 2016).
ü  People with disabilities who have disabilities or acquire a disability will continue to have their needs provided for by insurance, private and public health systems, rehabilitation services, age care services – such RSL Care and Blue Care which are currently predominately services which support older Australians and Veterans Affairs.
ü  Disability Care Australia will not cancel out or override existing government departments and services, such as the public health system, the age care system, mental health services, Government Housing and Accommodation services.  The departments will continue to operate independently of Disability Care Australia and can be access by persons with or without disability.  For an example regardless of a person age and ‘ability’ status the same application progress for government assistance for housing will remain post 1st July 2016 in Queensland.
ü  What Disability Care Australia aims to do is close a gap in service provision for younger Australians living with disability.
ü  Currently there are around 6500 people with disability living under the age of 60 permately in nursing homes around Australia. Thus a fully operational Disability Care Australia will free up around 6000 nursing places, that is a increase significant in the number of older Australians who experience disability will be able to access age care because younger persons with disability will not longer desire that type of care.
ü  Similarly for many years I access Home Care Services because I was unable to have my needs meet under any other funding means.  It was a system that was never designed to meet the needs of a younger person living independently with a disability.  Waiting all day for someone to come and shower you two days a week was not conductive to finding employment and often resulted in inappropriate supports.  Again the introduction of Disability Care Australia sees a removable of younger Australians from this services making room for support of older Australians living with impairments the support and assistance the need.
ü  The freeing up of these vital services for older Australian’s living with disability should have a follow on effect. With the transfer of public hospital patients to nursing homes happening more freely,  more hospital beds and rehabilitation beds should become available. The introduction of Disability Care Australia should have a follow on.

As we move from a system that has been dominated and driven by service provision to a system of disability care which is designed to be market driven. A system that is drive by a market is a current that moves according to demand.
The Game May Look The Same

In the disability service industry that will mean the market will become directly driven by the demand of services from people living with disability. Not longer with the government be the gatekeeper of funds.  Funds with be directly accessible by clients and their families to buy the equipment, therapies, teacher aids and support services they feel will best meet their needs; or needs of their family member or person the have guardianship over. And yes where the Adult Guardian Board has guardianship of a person with a profound disability it will by the Adult Guardian that has the direct buying power of services and equipment.

This means in regions where there may be an over supply of support service the forces of market mechanisms may be particularly felt. This could felt  in a number of ways.  The service fees a provider charges may be force down in order to complete with other services, this will have some impact on service delivery as services not compete more directly with each other. However, the opposite may or may not occur in a region which is traditionally under supplied.

Changes under Disability Care Australia also mean people wanted to buy a support service will be able to for the first time approach a genetic service such as Blue Care or private OT and bypass disabilities services providers altogether.  Within this new delivery system there the freedom to directly employ support workers or cleaners.

The services, the clients and the workforce may look the same buy the empire is govern by very different rules.  Support staff and services will no longer be able to decide how there services will operate or when.  If the service delivery is not what, when and how a client wants, they with be free to look at other services and change.  They may like they way one service provides personal care but use another service to meet their respite care needs.  In a market which is control be meeting the support goals of an individual, a service offering a substandard or even standard service may not survive in a open market place.
At the front door to a disability support service provider stand the staff. These are the people who provide direct support needs to people with disabilities, run supported accommodation, man the respite care day or residential services, the therapists and teachers aids who have the day to day client contact. Potentially it is these frontline workers who will feel the shift in the rules the most. As the clients, families and guardians have an empowered role in how their needs are meet, those caught giving standard blanket care service delivery, will see a decline in work.

The goal posts are further and higher than ever before.  The goal is no longer to keep your employer happy but meet the needs of the clients in the way the want them met.  Regardless of whether you chose to work for an independent agency, be self employed or remain will your current employer it is the client who is paying your wage.

Not that this is visible by any direct change. The way you are paid and your entitlement should remain the say as clients and family members under law must use an independent broker or their funds.  No money will be going into anyone’s direct bank account unless a service provider is nominated by a client to directly allocate and distributed funds on behalf of a client in a very simular way they do now.  Except for one major difference at anytime they are free to request their funds and move to a number service or means of administration for the funds.

From the time a client enters into and agreement with disability Care Australian it is them who decides the level of service delivery they want and what the are prepare to pay for it.  If I know Sally does more housework  than Sandy in an hour at a higher standard, I am going to request Sally, When Peter is more respectful and more fun to be with, than Paul who supports me every other day, I going to see if Peter can work with me more often.  If Jo takes my son to the same park everyday for fish and chips and John takes my so to lots of different places and gets him to eat differ foods and engages him in lots of different activities I not going to be to keen for Jo to support my son us his an considerable lower rate of pay.

Clients and families will have a direct say in their support staff.  If their not happy they know their funding can be moved to another service provider. Staff who repeated have declines from clients will either sit on the books and not get the hours they need or be let go. Staff performance with be one of the biggest challengers as be move to a market driven disability service.  Is you kick stronger enough for the changes, Disability Care Australia will bring.      

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