Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Disability Care - The winners and losses

I am guess that's how it feels to many after yesterdays announcement yesterdays announcement by the current Minister Jenny Macklin.  I suspect many Queenslander's again like their other state counterparts feel like they didn't win the lotto again!  More waiting!

You know those pictures on facebook . . . Claim down . . . it's almost the children's bedtime.  I think all us Queenslanders need to take "a chill pill". And clam down to seen yesterday's announcement for what it was. An election promise by Labor, that they may or may not be able to meet it reelected. I don't think anyone should read this as a done deal! Or be too upset that the statement government wasn't consulted.

The timetable for the roll out of Disability Care Australia in any state is fought with difficulties. As a support provider if I had a magic wand  I would let everyone have instant access to Disability Care Australia but I don't.  

Officers need to be establish, staff employed and trained, data bases set up, client goals established and then there the paperwork.  As I talk to clients, staff and services I not sure we quiet understand the huge change in thinking the is required by us all.

Providing more appropriate support, for more people at more appropriate time is only one change that will occur under Disability Care Australia. The changes being rolled out include:-

  • Home modifications
  • Vehicles modifications
  • Early intervention programs
  • equipment
  • accommodation
  • employment
  • community participation
  • and direct support needs 
Where, when and how is the right way too roll out the scheme I don't know and if I did I won't tell you in fear as had occurred over the last two days I would be shot down.  I do know that the next government of Australia will have to navigate with each state government on a roll on plan. 

It is important we as adult take a deep breath and step back.  This is a campaign no one, not even the Prime Minster has the ability to set anything in black and white right now.  Our responsibility right now is to exercise our political voice and tell all politicians what we expect once their party comes to power.

These are peoples lives here! Not a football, People who have heard all the promises before. People who want a magic wand to bring an end to their current suffering.  Smelling it and touch it are two different things . . . And seeing it transpire into something tangible will be different again. 

I know regardless of the where and the when someone else will be disappointed. Where there are winners there's bound to be loses. I also know the sites named yesterday are critical underfunded area based on per head of caper. However to use that rational on a 44 year old person living with CP who has never received government assistance living in Roma is never going to work.  A year or two is life and death for some.

As a friend, an employer and an advocate I am pull in many directions. As a person with a disability who has there own struggles under the current system. I say why not me.  I am 45 and fed up with being dictated to about when and how I am supported.  But my rational head tells me I am better off than that poor soul sitting out in Roma. 

Regardless of who is the first Queensland customer of Disability Care Australia, someone will be complaining they're hard done buy.  Years of pain aren't going to melt away at the stroke of a pen. I said the road ahead has many obstacles and I think we just found one. 

As a service provider and management can I tell you going first. Having my door open for business on 1st July 2016 under a very different service delivery model terrifies me.  The hours I am about to as my staff to spend making perpetration's are uncosted.  With no guarantees of costumers at the other end.  .  , .  I may need the lotto ticket.

Again there are winners and loses.  But can the political tug-a-war wait until we know who has the power to action these promises. People with disabilities have been used as political scrape goats long enough.  

Can the advocates for the NDIS stand up and walk beside those who are hurt and still being hurt be a senseless game of lotto to use labor terminology and not add furl to the fire by pitching one regional against the other. 

The solution once again I do not have just yet. 

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