Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, January 2, 2012

My thoughts on 'power of love'

An extract from my It Take's On Blog 

I am a firm believer the key to bring about positive world change is all in the Power of Unconditional Love. Unfortunately very few people in the world get to experience unconditional love. To many the concept of 'love' is foreign and when people experience love of any kind for the first time it van be completely overwhelming for many, so I am wanting members to remember that when they're out and about sharing the humane touch of love and random acts of kindness. 

In the West our society is so consumed with dare I say it consumerism and having the biggest and the best car, house, boat, holiday and latest gadgets, that we are working longer hours, and thus spending more time away from family home than ever before.  We're become so consumed by our need to accumulate objects, success and status that we have forgotten what is at the core of our humane existence and that is relationships. 

. . . "We'll have to catch up soon." How many people have you said that too in the past year and honestly meant at the time and it hasn't happened. Can I say, please make time to make it happen! Forget about saving the world form itself for a moment, take out your 2012 diaries and write a list of all the people who have promise to catch-up with in the last year and haven't, now look at next weeks dates, cause changes are this weeks is already way too full and make a time to sit down with the phone and call the people on your list to make a time in the next month to catch-up. If your really that busy, do the grocery shopping together! Why? Because we can never get back time! 

Christmas 2010 I said to a friend 'we'll have to catch-up soon.' and we never did . . . I attended her memorial service instead. Is it really worth taking on that extra work contract. Or are you better off getting home an extra hour early at night to tuck the kids into bed.  

I don't want you spending time on It Takes One activities if the most important people in your life aren't seeing you enough. If that's the case, then maybe your "world change" needs to start in your own home. We can't model something if we're not doing it ourselves.

One of the greatest threats in our modern society is to our families and our children, when relationships breakdown then the fallout is devastating and the effects can last generations. If you've invested time into creating a family then one of the greatest gifts you'll give to society is to love and nurture your family. Family breakdowns so society millions and flow on down throw the generations. If we weren't spending money on child support, family counselling, legal aid, family courts, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, metal illness, graffiti, vandalism, break and entering, foster care, homeless shelters, emergency treatments from drug overdoses, brawls and juvenile detention centres, we'd have a lot more money to spend on world aid. 

Generational abuse and dysfunctional families and the subsequence substance abuse and criminal behaviour and tell tale signs that people have never experience the unconditional love they were designed to live with.  I hasn't a guess that 95% of the world's poverty  is due to our hunger for wealth and power. Man's greed is born out of self survival rather than our ability to love. I you want to learn to love start giving to those who have nothing to give in return and I'm not talking about money. Go visit a nursing home or a jail and you'll soon workout how to help. Some times all people need is those relationships and company. 

Hope you find time to Share The Love today!      

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