Yesterday we celebrated the 20th anniversity of the Disability Act? But for me at times yesterday I was thrown back in the ages where people with disabilities had few rights. Yesterday I experienced what it is like to be disabled at the hands of a disability service as I was tired to my shower chair for my own safety. And now nothing makes sense.
I can walk and my doctor is angry that my workers will not allow me to walk. OMG! Heavens forbid its not safe to sit in a chair, because I have epilepsy. I sit here trying to convey the message that epilepsy is nothing more than a medical condition requiring medication. The last thing I want is to be wrapped up in cotton wool and my choices taken away because I might have a seizure and break another bone.
This kind of attitude is what Purple Day seeks to address. It is message is people with epilepsy are everyday people living everyday lives. Someone having epilepsy is no excuse for them to be resistance. This can cause more harm. The disabilities act gives us the same freedom as everyone in the community. I don't stop you driving in case a drives into. Which by the way is more likely to happen than me breaking a bone during a seizure.
Life is full of risks, please don't deny me the right to take the risks! So purple on March 26th.
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