Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Love Story

It’s Easter and here in Australia there’s a four day break to mark the occasion. For many its a time to catch up with family and friends, while others it a chance to over indulged in chocolate. For very young its about the joy of the secretly of the Easter bunny and hunter for Easter Eggs.

But is this what Easter is really about?  Despite misconceptions for Christians Easter is the most holiest  event on the Christian Calender. It is a time of reflection as we remember the central core of our faith.  At the core of Christianity is the cross.  Without the cross our faith becomes meaningless.

So you may the wondering what is so important about a cross?  Hang-on I didn’t say a cross, I said THE CROSS! THE CROSS – that JESUS CHRIST was nailed to.  The cross was designed to put to death, men who broke the law, but also in the case of Christ THE CROSS was designed to up to death the growth of a new movement that threaten the major  religion of that period of history, Judaism.

THE CROSS Jesus was nailed to failed in its mission on both counts.  This is what as Christian we celebrated at Easter.  THE CROSS failed to end the life of Jesus.  He rose from the death, in doing so of we believe the Jesus defeated death itself.  By rising form the death Jesus destroyed the one thing that could separate us from his Father, the thing which God can not accept into the kingdom of heaven where He rein’s is sin. And THE CROSS failed in its mission to stop people following the teaching of Christ. Christianity continues to spread through the world.

The act of sin was introduce by mankind through the temptation of God’s arch emery Satin also known as the ‘devil’.  Where living in the garden entitled mankind to eternal life, the lies of the devil broke our trust with God.  “We became wise” – this was sin.  We thought for the first time we could question and reason with God. Mankind was and God vanish us from the garden, we then had to earn of food, buy growing our own crops.  Mankind was forced now to labour and the relationship between God and man was broken. Man and women would now die and experience total separation from God, whom he was created for the sole purpose to love God and be loved by God, sin through one act of rebellion destroyed this.

It would take a pure act of love to rebuild what man had destroyed. It would take THE CROSS!  For me Easter is a change to remember the greatest love story in history.  It dates our calendar and it dates history. The sole reason God who created the universe  became one of us was to die and break the chain of death that locked us out of the garden. But unlike us he resisted the temptation of the emery and temptation to sin.  At the time of his death no wronging doing could be found.  He was an unblemished sacrifice, mankind had finally killed God.

That was until Jesus defeated death by rising from death. By this defeat Satin had lost his hold on death and the sin that separated us from God. Jesus had restored the broken relationship between us and himself.  Because of the sufferings of Christ I will never experience the suffering of hell. However the cross did not destroy the free will of man nor the presence of sin. We are still banish from the garden and still have to toil to sustain our lives. The presence sin as death remain a reality of our lives and the results are visible all around us.  We remain wise like God and all too often we feel we know better than God.

The only way to break our personal chain of death is through the cross.  We have to acknowledged it was us the nailed Jesus to the cross. Each of us deserved to be nailed to the cross. However such was God’s love for us, he allowed his son, part of him to be nailed to the cross instead. The blood that was spilt during his death covers sin. 

We are still sinful but through the power of the cross our sins are block from God’s sight. You to can experience this joy of Easter has to offer through the forgiveness of the cross. I invite you to reflect too this Easter on God, his plans for us and the cross, the greatest love story in history. 

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