Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A prospective on politics

What value a life?
If you listen to the commoninators and the media, it sounds like in terms of monetary value, it’s worth little and dispensable. However as the liberal  government is about to hand down its first budget, one needs to have a thick skin.  I know there’s a lot of words and thoughts being tossed around, to enable the government to deliver its first term budget!

First term budgets are nourish harsh and to be fair to the treasurer I would not want to balance the budget of the Australian government.  However it seems the current priority of the government is to delivery on its promise to deliver a surplus budget and stopping the boats at the expense of other promises and verbal agreements made before the election.

Some recent discussions indicate that the government at best devalues the lives of people with chronic health issues, the frail, disabled or elderly. It appears one’s value is measured by their perceived effective on the economy.  

However the bible gives a different perspective on human life. It records the value of a person is above all else. The prophet Jeremiah, tells us it was God who formed us in the womb, and He knew us before we were born . . . (even before sin had entered into the world). Psalm 139 tells us we are fearfully and wonderful made and Genius records that we were created in the image of God and when God had completed creation he was pleased.

I do not believe we were created to die. I believe decay, disease, death and disability entered the world at the moment of the fall.  It was at that moment that all men became diseased, not just those whom the world views as diseased, as recorded in Romans 3:23.  In his wisdom God designed a rescue plan, he sent his only Son to die for us so no one should perish.

Jesus died both for the Jews and the Genitals, Paul tells us. To me that means God values every life, born and unborn. Our value is not measure by some figure the government deems a productivity level.  Our worth can money it costs for us to spend our days on earth.  Our worth is measured by eternal love of the one who created us.  

As the budget looms and mere mortals toss around words without thoughts and the news media feeds us what they want us to believe, you have a choice. To value yourselves as what mortals suggest or to believe the well chosen words of those would created you, despite the present of decay.  My suggestion is the value of life is LOVE itself.  

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