Or is it seek.com now. Take you tick of any online employment recruiting website and see if any job advertisement reads like this:
On would think with the current discussion and debate surrounding the introduction of Disability Care Australia and the views being expressed by people with disabilities themselves you would be forgiven for thinking the gap in narrowing. The reality is the jobless rate among people with disabilities is on the increase. As reported by Australian Network on Disaility.
Why then is it that so much of the Disability Care Australia legislation and the Productivity Commissioners Report hinged around the increase employment of people with disabilities and the relatives that play a vital care role in a family members life. I can see how the availability of regularly respite care support will enable the primary care given to go beack to work. I can see the huge increase number of jobs in the disability sector, especially when the talking about doubling the number of people who will be supported in Queensland alone.
My struggle is why because people will be assured of assistance to get out of bed in the morning and be assisted to get to work on time, do they suddenly overnight become employable? Yes we can address public access issues and improve public transport for the needs of people with disabilities, but how to we bridge those attitudinal barriers, that equate disabilities to illness and incapacity. How do we as Australian with disabilities make our seemly visible abilities more visible.
As if the is some think of rule of thumb the people with disabilities can not achieve as well as the non disable counterparts and to do so is a supper feet. Mate I am lucky if I can get the sales person to talk to me, yet alone convince a potential employer he or she has the correct CV in their hands and I have not lied about my achievements. A person with a disability is dammed if the don't reveal it to a potential employer in the cover letter and if The do they run the risk of not getting an interview. No one has ever explained how we can prove it is my epilepsy that leads to discrimination and not my cerebral palsy. When the contraints of my CP are much more visible.
To use a Pauline Hanson expression, "Please explain . . . how support disability Care Australian will make us suddenly employable?"
WANTED - Product design manager, an innovative creative person want to head put a new product design range. We're looking for a person with excellent team leadership and communication skills to learn of team of designers. We are an equal opportunity employer will to accommodate any person with a disability who can demonstrate they have the skills to lead our team. We are also happy to offer flexible work hours.
My hunch is not only will we never see such a job advertisement few companies are currently will to make the physical adjustment to their work place (such as accessible toilets) or equipment modifications let alone be flexible with work hours to work around the team managers health needs. And yet the introduction of Disability Care Australian, has put Australian employers on noticed. Not only is it illegal to discriminate on the grounds of disability, but employers are being ask to modify and arrange their businesses to accommodation the employment of people with disabilities, but allowance for the support needs to be met in the work places.
It is the one piece in the NDIS puzzle I can quite click into place. As a person who experiences uncontrollable seizures that are triggered directly by stress I know I am unemployable in a traditional 9 to 5 role. I am most suitable to roles that allow me to work flexible hours from home.
"Despite what you read about 'bludgers on the DSP' (disability support pension) regularly in the Daily Telegraph we don't want to live on the DSP. We want to work, earn a wage and pay taxes."Australian Network on DisailityA sentiment, I heard echoed around the discussion table at near ever conservation about the introduction of the NDIS or Disability Care Australia. Yet wanting to work, even having the ability to work, has never correlated in to jobs. People with disabilities and the carers are currently 30% less like to be employed than the generally population.
On would think with the current discussion and debate surrounding the introduction of Disability Care Australia and the views being expressed by people with disabilities themselves you would be forgiven for thinking the gap in narrowing. The reality is the jobless rate among people with disabilities is on the increase. As reported by Australian Network on Disaility.
Why then is it that so much of the Disability Care Australia legislation and the Productivity Commissioners Report hinged around the increase employment of people with disabilities and the relatives that play a vital care role in a family members life. I can see how the availability of regularly respite care support will enable the primary care given to go beack to work. I can see the huge increase number of jobs in the disability sector, especially when the talking about doubling the number of people who will be supported in Queensland alone.
My struggle is why because people will be assured of assistance to get out of bed in the morning and be assisted to get to work on time, do they suddenly overnight become employable? Yes we can address public access issues and improve public transport for the needs of people with disabilities, but how to we bridge those attitudinal barriers, that equate disabilities to illness and incapacity. How do we as Australian with disabilities make our seemly visible abilities more visible.
"There are times when I feel I need to twice as much to prove my capabilities to perform a job than my competitors without disabilities. Then there are times I feel I a seen to have supper powers because of the professional approach I take to my work.
As if the is some think of rule of thumb the people with disabilities can not achieve as well as the non disable counterparts and to do so is a supper feet. Mate I am lucky if I can get the sales person to talk to me, yet alone convince a potential employer he or she has the correct CV in their hands and I have not lied about my achievements. A person with a disability is dammed if the don't reveal it to a potential employer in the cover letter and if The do they run the risk of not getting an interview. No one has ever explained how we can prove it is my epilepsy that leads to discrimination and not my cerebral palsy. When the contraints of my CP are much more visible.
To use a Pauline Hanson expression, "Please explain . . . how support disability Care Australian will make us suddenly employable?"
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