Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What are the possibilities?

As we approach the introduction of Disability Care Australia on my blog at present we are stopping . . . 

Waiting . . . 

And preparing . . .

To ask What is possible? 

. . . If we don't allow our attitude to define our disabilities . . .  

Herr's an example of one teacher who encourage every girl to do her best and encourage her dreams. 

How about you?

What are your dreams and hopes for your son or daughter?

What kind of future under Disability Care Australia do you see for them?




The Arts?



Independent Living?



Buy their first Car?

In Australia this is the first time that mums and dads of children with serve disabilities will be asked what is it that you want for your child.  For the first time a parent will be asked do you want to give you're child the opportunity to learn to walk?  Would you like to see if your child can cope with mainstream schooling? Would you like a wheelchair adapted to enable your child to play sport?  These are all reasonable and fair request for support to enable a children to fully participate in the community in which they live. 

What is not reasonable or fair is the isolation families have endured as a result of a family member having a life time disability. This is the equality Disability Care Australia (NDIS) seeks to bring into our communities and lifestyles.  The goals of thias system are the goals people with disabilities and their families have told the government the want.  They have said we want to be counted it in!  We want to be included and we want a greater say in the direction we want our lives to take.

Just as this young girl's team mate willed her to shoot a goal, we want to cheer on the people with disabilities in our lives on.  Are you ready to ask what is possible? 

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