There'll Be Dancing in the Street!
In Dehi . . .
. . . In London
. . . In Shanhi
. . . In Masco
. . . In Brisbane
Across the globe during their lifetime 1 in 3 women will experience violence at some stage of their lives. Most violence occurs in the home behind close doors. These are hidden crimes that go unreported and thus unseen in many cultures across the globe. In some cultures rape is seen as a rite of passage and often condone under the protection of "marriage", "religious" or "cultural" laws.
Those who commit these CRIMES are cowards, they hide behind many doors. The doors of their gender, their culture, their religion, their religion, their views on religious text, and their rights of passage. Well news flash WOMEN HAVE RIGHTS TOO! Regardless of whether they are married or not! Regardless of where the live across they globe! Regardless of the religious faith! Regardless of the 'culture norms'. Women have the right to FREEDOM FROM THE FEAR VIOLENCE !
on FEB 12 2013 a globe uprising will be occurring. Where women will shout STOP! and be dancing in the streets to symbolized FREEDOM FOR VIOLENCE - THE RIGHT TO LIVE WITHOUT FEAR!
So young or old, male or female on FEB 13 your invited to SHOUT STOP AND DANCE FOR FREEDOM!
To registered your voice visit One Billion Rising and stake a stand against violence against women. Help spread the word through social media. Create a utube clip. Let your voice be hear. Join my thunder clap and help break the silence and open the doors to freedom. And yes! If you a lead to take you friends and go DANCE IN THE STREET!
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