Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Is it time to rethink disability?

Disability should not be a barrier to employment!

The introduction of the NDIS legislation and the discussions around its introduction and how the scheme will be administrated, has highlighted to me is the numerous misconceptions in the community about people with disabilities.

From Cape York to Hobart the needs and support people with disability and the families and full-time carers, vary considerably. My last post was called From welfare to community engagement, highlighted one of the predicted flow-ons of the NDIS was increased community participation for people with a disability and their families.

When we talk about this disability, what images each of us sees in our mind is very different depending on our life experience.  With 4 million Australian's experiencing some type of disability changes are that each of us knows someone with a disabilities.  However, no everyone with a disabilities will requires support.  The NDIS is designed to assist those people who require assistance to complete daily living tasks through funding for equipment to assist with mobility and communication, early intervention programs, access to respite care services and medical care that is additional to costs provide to by the medicare system.

Despite the hopes and perceptions of some pockets of the disability community the NDIS will not be giving anyone a direct payment.  To that end the use of the word 'insurance' has for some been misleading.  The notion that a person will be able to share their funding for mobility aids with 'the mob' is unfounded. It angers me that the media has even allowed these stories to be circulated. There is enough confusion and public education that needs to occur with out the media running these types of stories.

Rightly so there are many questions concerning the set up costs and the full cost to the Australian tax payer. I have read and head many different figures and projects in the last 12 months.  But until the trial is fully operational I suspect may figures to be tossed around. The current government costings through the Productivity Commission estimates a fully functional NDIS will cost an additional $6.3 billion per year to what us already being spent.

However for all governments public spending is a balancing act and in terms of the NDIS what isn't being discussed at least in the media is the savings to the community as people with disabilities move away form the tradition welfare system toward community engagement.  There is a wide spread misconception that people with disabilities are non employable and the costs of workplace modifications are not cost effect, despite research study after research study showing employees with a disability take less leave and experience lees workplace accidents.

In terms of gaining employment the physical and attitudinal barriers are insurmountable for the majority of us. This is certainly my own experience.  I certainly don't challenge the conciseness, that I am unemployable in the traditional workforce due to my seizure disorder. However, like a percentage of people with disability I am an underutilized resource and self-employment at a part-time level is achievable.  A fact highlighted by my participation in the Leaders For Tomorrow Training Program.

My employment barriers are attitudinal, even as an unpaid volunteer community attitudes and assumptions frustrate me.  My management role in the disability sector creates confusion and yet also opens up opportunities to educate those who should be most aware.  Many times until I am introduced as the Vice-President of the organization it is assumed I am a client and/or I have an intellectual disability. This attitudes frustrate me as I am constantly needing to verbalize my CV before I conduct business transitions, which is why I love not having those barriers while working online.

Pictures of peoples with disabilities in their working places being posted online how much public education is yet to be achieve. 

So how about you? Is it time for you to look at what disability is? Let me assure you people with disabilities don't need handouts. We want to engage in the community. Are you ready to help provide that opportunity? 


Milly Parker's Story - YouTube

Milly Parker's Story - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

NDIS Required - YouTube

NDIS Required - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

We need NDIS

Our Jessi - Our World - YouTube: ""

'via Blog this'

Monday, February 25, 2013

From Welfare to Comunity Engagement

In my post on Feb I shared my journey home. It was my story to crave out my own interdependent life style in the community. At 44 I have live independently in my own home for 15 years, but only recently the Queensland Disability Services  began to contribute to my support costs.  Despite the NDIS being one of the most vocal political campaigns in our history. Many people in the community just don't get it.

They fail to understand the crisis point the current disability system finds it self in.  It's twenty years since the Disability Act was introduced and yet people with disabilities, their families and carers still fight for the ame thing the Act was designed to bring, Inclusion is the community. Not more welfare!

I fear a lost of monument if there is a change of government in September, and if opinion polls are right Tony Abbott will be that next Prime Minster of Australia.  The question in Every Australian Counts Supporter's heart is will Tony Abbott support a 2018 start up of the National Disability Insurance Scheme?

Talk on the street tells me there are divided views on the NDIS, What is function will be? and Who will be eligible for support?  Let me assure you the word 'insurance' is misleading. NO ONE WITH A DISABILITY OF THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS will receive a payment or payout.  The money with be paid directly to a service or equipment provider, in the same way medicare pays you GP or specialist.

NDIS is a hand-up not a hand-out! Despite the common belief in the community not everyone who receives Disability Support Pension  will be eligible for the NDIS.  Only those who need support to improve daily function or support to live in community will be eligible.

The NDIS unlike any other scheme before it will be drive by goals which people with a disability and/or their family want to achieve. If I could summarize the goal of the NDIS in two words it would be COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION. 

For decades members of the community who either have a disability or a family member with a disability have experienced social isolation and exclusion due to lack of eligibility or lack of funding.  The first thing the NDIS aims to do is to give everyone with a disability the same starting point.  The current start points vary with age, type of disability, the way you acquire the disability and what state you live in. So NDIS creates a level field of eligibility.  Not every disability is caused by accident or medical malparactise.

Why should a parent of a child with Down Syndrome or an adult who develops MS not be initial to the same medical support and mobility equipment because there's no one to sue as being responsible for their disability? Why should the tax payer supplement someone who has an accident at work income and not support some one who experiences organ failure because they were born with diabetes?

Many parents of children with a disability or spouses who's spouse has acquired a disability disable and need full-time care who relishes the opportunity to gain employment if respite can was available for family member. The NDIS is far from just another group of people in the community getting government assistance. Finally the Labour Government has realized a system based on hand-outs creates a sense on 'entitlement' in some individuals. NDIS is design to allow people to access education; to access treatments; to access equipment; to access communication; to access employment and finally access the community like every other Australian.

We simply want to see an end to situations where 30 year olds are living in nursing homes and both parents with children born with profound disabilities like cerebral palsy are unable to work full time because of the level of care these child needs. Or a 15 year old boy dropping out of high school because his parents can't afford a new wheelchair not his teachers carry around school.

NDIS both creates jobs and will enable people to come off welfare and enter the work force for the first time.  The question is can Australia with our aging population afford not to introduce the NDIS. Unlike any system that supports people with disabilities before is hopes that the NDIS will not be based on what people can't do, rather their goals.

Parent's of a child born with a profound hearing, may elect the goal of sending the child to a mainstream school in order for this child to achieve this goal, he or she will need to be able to communicate with the teacher. The child needs some ability to hear in order to learn to talk.  The solution for that family may be for the government to fund a chociler ear implant.  Combined with an appropriate early intervention program and some support in the first years of school that child may go on to live a full productive life without need any further assistance from the NDIS.

We need to stop looking a what the introduction of NDIS costs to start up and start to learn and understand that NDIS is much more than the money the tax payer will layout. The introduction of the NDIS will assist some people born with disabilities to live more productive lives; it will give people who acquire disabilities a better chance of great rehabilition outcomes, It will allow parents of kids with high support needs to access respite and improve family quality of life; it will allow some carers to go back to work in some capasity; it will provide age appropriated medical equipment taking finical strain off families; it will improve the health and well being of families and aging carers; it will provide security for people with significant disabilities as they age; it will give young people with 24hr support needs an alternative to age aged filicaties. It will enable people to access education, treatments, early intervention programs, rehabilition, medical, communication and mobility equipment; respite care to assist carers, more suitable accommodation and housing options and entry into the workforce.

In December, I spoke  with the senator of Aging and disability, She freely admits that discrimination is the workforce is one of the greatest barriers to people with disabilities.  The biggest lie the voters have been feed is people with disabilities can not work and don't want to work.  While that make be true for a small percentage of this group it is not then norm.

Despite a multiple barriers existing for people with disabilities in the workforce, studies show that employees with disabilities take less sick days and have fewer workplace accidents. Economically the employment of people with disabilities makes good sense. A sentiment reinforced by Productivity Commission , if you really want to know the findings you can download them here, rather than rely on inadequacy of media reports.

I freely admit when I first heard noises about  the NDIS I was skeptical, here was yet another reform to the disability sector only this time it would be the Federal Government stuffing it up and politics getting in the way. However as I read, learn, question and engage I understand more about the ideals of the NDIS  that underpin its legislation, the way it is designed to allow our individual goals to drive the support we will receive, and its economic foundations, the bigger fan I become.

As I meet people and listen to their stories and cries of decades of frustration, as the ground supports retell the victories and defeats, as we ride the highs and lows of the debate, the message of hope rings through. Talk longer enough to an opponent of the NDIS and I realize much of there opposition is based on two things:  1) Distrust of governments to get the balance right and 2) little or no understanding of the legislation and how it address the numerous potholes in the various current systems operating around Australia.

Like many supports of the NDIS I don't want to see so much research and consultation go pare shaped at the eleventh hour.  We owe it to all Australians to hold governments present and to come to deliver the NDIS as proposed and costed by the Productivity Commission  in full.  We can only do that if we continue to equip ourselves and others in the community.

Just as I have been able to make my journey home and establish my independence, I want to help other people with a disabilities make their journey home to.   .      

Purple On!

People are asking . . .

How can I go purple on March 26 th

If you put purple on then that works for me!

As you are aware I am raising money for

However there are several organizations that would appreciate

your support on Purple Day

Purple Day is now recognized internationally and this year over

80 countries have decided to GO PURPLE!

So you might also like to support 

My Fundraising Pages are:


Remember whatever your doing it's Purple On!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Purple Day is approaching

March 26th is Purple Day!  Is a day to stand in solidarity with the 65 million people around the world who are affected by seizure disorders and their families.

March 26th is International Epilepsy Awareness Day!

Yes! I will be raising money on March 26 th

For Epilepsy Action Australia

However it is much more important to me that

I increase the community's understanding of epilepsy

and seizure disorders. 

Sadly someone experiencing a seizure in public

is still meet with feelings of fear and uncertainty.

Many people are still unsure what to do.

But YES! You can help and it doesn't need to be scary!

Here's the tips below.     

The message of purple day is simple . . .

People who experience seizure disorders are everyday people living everyday lives!
This is the message I carry in hosting

Experiencing a seizure disorder has not preventing me
from following my creative passions and a career in the arts.
I am a poet, publish Children's author and now Visual Artist.

Please join my My Purple Day Art Action 

Put your Purple On

and  stand with us on MARCH 26 TH! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Purple On!

Megan Cassdy, at 14 is one of the most inspiring individual's I have come across. I know at times that word gets over used, but Megan's inspirational message is contagious! She admits being diagnosed with epilepsy at nine was scary and she felt alone. So she stood up and did something about it!  She asked her friends to wear purple with her to school on March 26! . . . And they did and so did her town, her state and her country!

This year Purple Day  will be marked in 80 countries around the world with one simple message,

People with epilepsy are ordinary people living everyday lives!
. . . And that's a lot of purple.  When I heard there was a day called Purple Day, my ears pricked. I mean to my friends it is no secret that my favorited color is purple, so I made it my mission to find our what purple day was, just out of curiosity, you understand.

Well I was hooked! As I search my research introduce me to Megan, a young lady full of life and sense of humor, who was determine to enjoy school and hangout with her friends.  She wasn't going to let her epilepsy define her or put her in a 'special box' for 'special kids'. Sometimes our disabilities unfortunately prevent us for joining in some activities. For me experiencing uncontrollable epilepsy has meant I can't hold down a full time job. However when a 9 year old is excluded from sleepovers in case she has a seizure that must be difficult to understand.

So this courageous young lady invited her school friends to put purple on! And now she's inviting the world to purple on and united with people with epilepsy across the globe on March 26 th. 

What's next for Megan, when you're meet the Queen?  The Ellen Show of course.  Megan wants an appearance with Ellen to promote Purple Day 2013.

As you know I've chosen to splash purple on a few canvases to raise awareness of epilepsy on Purple Day 26th March 2013.  When I will be auctioning 5 of my artworks to raise money for Epilepsy Action Australia. You can bid for one of my paintings at My Purple Day Online Auction . Or make a donation at my fundraising page       

So purple on everybody!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

1 Billion Rising Around The World

Photos From Around The World!

I am rising

A Purple Day Reminder

March 26 is Purple Day

International Seizure Disorders Awareness

Debbie's Purple Day 

Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders  are a very common neurological disorder. However the is wide spread misconceptions still held in the community today.

March 26th is Purple Day. The aim of purple day is to raise awareness of epilepsy. The message of Purple Day is simple; “People with epilepsy are everyday people living everyday lives.”

The most famous epileptic is of course Julia Creaser, The Roman Emperor, who ruled over a large empire. Prominent Australians with Epilepsy include Dr John Darcy (Purple Day ambassador) and Wally Lewis (channel 9 news presenter)   
Despite my seizures not being fully controlled I have choose to live a lifestyle that fully embraces my creative passions. This has included, presenting academic  papers; public speaking, travelling alone, performing poetry; attending conferences and a visual arts career.

Currently I am participating in the Federal Government’s Leaders For Tomorrow Program. So as you can see my disabilities may prevent me from full time employment, but not from living a fully life being active in the community in which I live.

As an epileptic I am supported by Epilepsy Action Australia. So this Purple Day in addition to Going Purple
I am raising funds on behalf of Epilepsy Australia through actioning five of my artworks. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What's 1 Billion rising?

Social Experimentation

 Well that is what 'he' referred the 'event' to!  Violence against women is about dominance and sense of 'ownership' that men have over women. Eve Enslar equates male dominance over, with mankind's dominance over the earth. Environmental rape is as much about 'man's' sense of ownership over the land, vegetation and animals as is the rape and sexual assault against women is about the notion the men have dominion over women.

This misconception of men having ownership of women is an extremist view held by some religious partices. Even follow believers in my own faith use scriptural references to justified, unjustifiable acts of violence against women. Mistakenly, this sterns from the book of Genesis in which man (meaning mankind in the instance) is give dominion over the earth and all living things. This dominion was not about 'rule' rather man was appointed as 'caretaker' over all living thins.

 For me the word 'caretaker', incorporates responsibilities like 'nurturing', 'protecting' 'loving' and 'feeding'. Nothing of a caretakers speaks of control, dominance or authority. I feel that these attributes are derives from references in religious texts that talk about 'submission.  However just as females are to submit  to the authority of males, we as in all; mankind are to submit ourselves to one another and to God.  Thus, at least in my Christian faith submission is a act of human will.  It in not an order nor a demand, rather an act of love.  In Corinthians we read a list of qualifications for love: Love is patience, love is kind It does not envy, it does not boast, and is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self seeking, and does no wrong, Love does not delight in evil but re-joyous with truth. It always protects, it always trusts, always hopes, and always preserves   When we 'love' or 'care' or even have 'dominion' over some one or something need to be displayed qualities are open for display.

In the absence of these qualities of love, what be a left with in not dominion but rule or ownership.  It is this sense of ownership, that strips away rights from one party and contributes to the violation of another persons personal freedom or the violation of another living thing.  The role of 'caretaker' has been lost in the transfer of ownership.

Of course not all violence is the result of ownership mentality.  Violence can also be a result of wants.  All I care about is my needs and my wants, so I have no respect for others or objects that will provide my wants. An act of violence is one of the most selfish acts mankind can inflict on another person.

I like one in three women living on this planet have been a victim of violence at the hands of a man.  While other perform acts of violence under the protection of marriage rites, rites of passage, or uncontrollable male urges. My violator's 'excuse' was social experimentation, is other words he wanted to know what it was like to make out with a chick with cerebral palsy. Not that he used those word.

The give away line was I wonder what it would be like to 'do' a girl who was visually impaired. That's right, while he was undressing me in the middle of Queen Street Mall in Brisbane, he made not attempt to pretend that is was to see what it was like to be with a women who had a disability.  I wasn't rape or assault at that stage, until we got back to the motel room and he flung me on the bed a few times, that the actually act of violence took place right in front of my room mate for the night.  We were both women and he had 'no' respect for either of us given we were both disable and thus mere objects in his world. 

Only he didn't count of my courage and determination to get him out of the room that night, he was quiet happy to rape me in front of witness and say it was consented sex because I agreed to the date.  Despite overpowering me to gain entry into room. Agreeing to a date and agreeing to have sex are two different things in my mind. My disability wasn't the only thing exploited that night, so was my experience in dating.

I have never before told this story so explicitly, I am choosing to do so now because tomorrow is V-Day. V- Day is a global movement where both men and women are working together to highlight the prevalence of violence against women and girls across the globe. Which includes, assault, sexual assault, rape, battery, domestic violence, rape in marriage, incest, female genital mutilation and sex slavery. In choosing to tell my story is graphic deals I hope to you my readers sense some of the emotions of 'our exploitation' that night because we were women with a disability and not justification was required on the offender. I after all had a greed to the date and in his eyes equally to blame. 

I hope in telling my story I will encourage others to share their own.  There is no justification for violence. 
FEB 14 or 1 Billion rising is a movement to break the silence and to celebrate the freedom that comes with that. 

Marches, protest, celebrations, street parties and song and dance will be happening on a global scale. However there's also a uprising occurring on social media  including facebook, twitter, google, blogger and thunderclap.

Dancing for freedom

Tomorrow we want shine our touches brightly on violence and its acceptance. We need you to join  The one Billion rising up against violence 


Friday, February 8, 2013

Breaking the Chains of Violence

Flashmob San Diego 

One in three women will fall victim to violence during their lifetime, simply because they were born female. On the 14th February 2013 we aim to see 1 Billion Rising to dance and march for and end against freedom.  In the streets of London, in the streets of Beijing, in the streets Delhi, in the streets of Hong Kong, in the streets of Tokyo and the Streets of Brisbane we want to see people marching and dancing to proclaim freedom from violence against women and young girls. 

And we're inviting you to join an uprising near you. If you can't physically take part in an uprising then you can be part of the uprising on Facebook, Twitter, Thunder Clap, or here on blogger.  Even Our Prime Minster of Australia has chosen to support the 1 Billion Rising message.  Because violence against women is a issue the concern us all.

So put those dancing shoes on and crank up the volume of the music and join the global uprising. Visit V-day website to registered you voice of support.  

My home

The Journey Home

I remember when I was growing, probably around the age of 12. I thought a lot about the future and what it might look like.  Some of my dreams like making a deal that my best friend and I would share a house seems so crazy now. Other dreams like buying my first car, were possible at the time, but life changes and unexpected things happen. 

My first 'home' of taste of independence was living on campus while studying for my arts degree. At this stage the car thing still hadn't happen as my focus was on getting my degree to get a job, to buy my car. Which was pretty much the story with most uni students.  Besides at the time my boyfriend had a car (for what it was worth, it soon fell apart and was off the road.)

I knew I had a disability which at times cramp my style but at 20 I was still living a life no different to my friends although the boyfriend had ditched me by this stage.  After uni I decided psychology was never going to be my thing and I begun working as a Christian Youth Worker and had my first taste of 'house sharing', still no car.

And then . . . About September the year after I graduated I got sick! At the time the doctors just thought I had a virus, little did I expect to spend the next 10 years of my life sick and develop clinical depression with my weight dropping 45 kgs and eating a chocolate bar would become a major battle.  I quit work and move back home with my parents . . . It was 'home' but not the 'home' I deamt of at 12 years of age.  I was disparately unhappy and wanted a life of my own, without my parents rules.

By then I had learned that I never would be buying my first car.  I had acquired  my third disability epilepsy and as my seizure remain uncontrollable by 25 I knew I would never be able to drive a car and many believe I would never be able to live independently.

It was during this time I became a writer and was writing for a small independent Christian publisher and would eventually publish my first to poetry  book with. And so I realized I had achieved another childhood dream which was to write a book. 

It was quiet the book I saw when I envision writing a book at 16, but it was a book and would be the first of 5 books I would publish.  I co-wrote a devotional book of poetry around the same time.

Eventually there was an opportunity to apply for a department of housing accommodation designed for people with disabilities and at 29 I was 'home'. I was renting a 1 bedroom unit from department. My dream I had a 12 to have my own place had become a reality.  

Today, 15 years later I still live independently in my own home with 22 hours a week in home support through various agencies. 

But my 'journey home', is very different to hundreds of adults with disabilities living around Australia. The truth is I encountered little resistance to build an independent life for myself. I am an exception to the rule.  Inch by inch I have fraught to kept my independence. Only now am I learning of the few choices people with disabilities and the chronically ill have in terms of accommodation. Their journey home is all to often enforced on them by others.

Current there is over 6000 young people with disabilities under the age of 50 calling nursing homes 'home'. These figures do not account for the number of people living in 'group homes' or with relatives against their wishes.

Independent Living options the Young Care is one of the few
options for young people with a disability.

The official Department of Communities policy known as Growing Strong. The rhetoric begins with Your Life, Your Choice!   For the the 100's of Queenslanders living in nurses homes, and their families, their are no alternatives for those needing 24 hr assistance.  The Young Care alternative is individual independent units for those with disabilities that still allow them to have some level of independence for the majority of the day, while having 24hrs on site assistance when it is required and I am aware that there similar accommodation arrangements available through Uniting Care and the Cerebral Palsy League.   .

Somewhere between Nursing Homes and Young Care sits what we term 'Group Homes'.  These 'homes' are shared by a number of people with disabilities who require a high level of care. The homes are 'staffed' 24/7, with staff often making daily choices for their clients. While often the decision for a person moving into a 'group home' is made by a parent of guardian, under the current department of Communities regulations, a person can be force into a group home because funding for that individual to live independently is denied. As we saw previously with Rosy.

'Remember Rosy's fight with the department'

   The choices for young people living with a disability and those with chronic illness remain very limited. If you'd like to help build more accommodation options for these people you make a donation through  Young Care or Building Better Lives click on the links. 

Of course the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme  (NDIS) is home to go along way towards addressing the accommodation needs of young people with disability and established them in independent lives. With the Federal Election looming and the legislation  only being in draft from, these are worrying times not one those searching for accommodation options but all people with a disability and their families.   

After years of campaigning  the continuing steps towards the full introduction of the NDIS hangs on a knife edge. These reforms and the accommodation needs of people with a disabilities needs to be high on the political agenda and debated vigorously through the election campaign in order to ensure more and more people with a disability can find their way home.              

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Say No To Violence

What is 1 billion Rising?

It is 1 billion people saying NO to violence!


An on FEB 14 you're invited to join us!






VISIT 1 Billion Rising

And become involved 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

End Violence Against Women!

There'll Be Dancing in the Street!

In Dehi . . .

                 . . . In London

                                        . . .   In Shanhi

                                                                . . . In Masco 

                                                                                       . . . In Brisbane 

Across the globe during their lifetime 1 in 3 women will experience violence at some stage of their lives. Most violence occurs in the home behind close doors. These are hidden crimes that go unreported and thus unseen in many cultures across the globe. In some cultures rape is seen as a rite of passage and often condone under the protection of "marriage", "religious" or "cultural"   laws.

Those who commit these CRIMES  are cowards, they hide behind many doors. The doors of their gender, their culture, their religion, their religion, their views on religious text, and their rights of passage. Well news flash WOMEN HAVE RIGHTS TOO! Regardless of whether they are married or not! Regardless of where the live across they globe! Regardless of the religious faith! Regardless of the 'culture norms'.  Women have the right to FREEDOM FROM THE FEAR VIOLENCE !

on FEB 12 2013 a globe uprising will be occurring. Where women will shout STOP! and be dancing in the streets to symbolized FREEDOM FOR VIOLENCE - THE RIGHT TO LIVE WITHOUT FEAR!

So young or old, male or female on FEB 13 your invited to SHOUT STOP AND DANCE FOR FREEDOM!  

To registered your voice visit  One Billion Rising and stake a stand against violence against women. Help spread the word through social media. Create a utube clip. Let your voice be hear. Join my thunder clap and help break the silence and open the doors to freedom.  And yes! If you a lead to take you friends and go DANCE IN THE STREET!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Let's Dance and Shout!

1 in 3 women will experience physical or sexual violence during their lifetime. Violence against women in western countries often goes run reported.  In the majority of cases it occurs in the home, behind close doors. These women are often verbally and emotionally abused leaving their self-esteem shattered. As I result they feel trapped in a violence relationship.

How even in the third world women and particular young girls are twice as more likely to experience rape. In war worn Africa, the men are killed and the women left behind alone after being burteal raped and beaten.

On 14th February, we want to see 1 BILLION people dancing in the street to demand and end to violence against women. The is NO EXCUSE violence. Not because of want we ware, or what time of day it is, because someone does like the food we cook, or we did wait up until the pub closed, or a elderly man has dementure and certainly not because anyone guy looked at us the wrong way, or a solider at war has needs.

None of these these are justification for violence and yet some where right now people are using these as justification for assault, rape, and even murder!  These crimes are not about the acts of women, rather the are about the power a man 'feels' he has over a woman or 'ownership'.  On FEB 14 was need to shout VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN NEEDS TO STOP! And we need to stop giving these me refuse from their crimes.    

Please join me in the dance for freedom in your neighborhood and join me on Thunderclap and share my message on social media (like Blogger, Twitter and Facebook) or why not create a Thunderclap of your own.  

So Let's get talking!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Let's Dance!

Also up for auction

An Update on Purple Day Action

March 26 is Purple Day

The aim of Purple Day is to raise awareness of epilepsy and other seizure disorders. Seizures are one of the most common neurological disorder, however many people are fearful and confronted when they see someone having a seizure for the first time. There are many misconceptions held by people in the wider community, that hinder them to assist someone having a seizure, one of the aims of Epilepsy Action Australia and purple day is to educate people how to recognize a seizure and how to assist the person.  One of the things I'd like to say to people the most important ways to assist me are to stay clam and reassure me that medical assistance is on its way. 

Having said that it is not always necessary call an ambulance if someone is having a seizure. Some seizures may only last a few seconds and after a few minutes rest the person is able to continue on with their daily routine, while other seizures known as grand mal seizures or complex seizures may need medication to stop the seizure.

Like many other illnesses, everyone who experiences a seizure will display a different set of symptoms. Which I can understand would make it difficult for someone who doesn't know me to give assistance. But they use of common sense goes along way. Like instead of moving the patient remove obstacles away from them. To not restrict abnormal movements or the person's airways. No one is going to bleed to death if the bite the tongue, but if the bite your finger because its in their month your finger might be very sore.  It is important to keep the patients airway clear, so sicking anything in their month is going to restrict their breathing. People being able to swallow their tongue during a seizure is a myth. 

A person not being able to breath is more serious than a few bites on their tongue, So its clear airways we want.  Lots of people crowding around me when I am having a seizure makes me sweat. So one people monitoring my breathing is all that is needed. Otherwise what I need is the area to be well ventilated. 

More information on seizure first-aid and types of seizure can be found at Epilepsy Action Australia in the coming weeks there be some videos on different types of seizures posted to my blog. However in the event of an emergency,call 000 (in Australia only) and the operate will direct you on how to give first-aid and if you do need an ambulance. 

On Purple Day March 26 2013

I am auctioning some of my art to raise money for

Epilepsy Action Ausstralia

The auction will take place online for 24hrs

If you like my art you can bid here

Or make a donation Here

So up for auction is

"Purple Triumph"

"Out on a limb!"

"Freedom For All"

More information on the auction,
how to bid and making payments,
and artworks will be available soon.
or you can email me.

"Postage is additional to your bid"
"Quoted Bidding Times are Brisbane, Queensland, Australia"
Debbie Chilton