Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Leadership Dreams

In December I was fortunate enough to join the Leaders for Tomorrow Program. The program is funding by the federal government. In my understanding it is a prequel to the NDIS. The program is about support people with a disability to embark in leadership roles in sport, arts, culture, employment and government to name a few of the options. 

I  am really excited as I started my leadership dreamings and exploring some goals I like to take a stab at in 2013 and beyond.

Leadership Retreat December 2012

My Leadership Dreams

My leadership dreams center around full social inclusion for people with a disability in the Ipswich region. In my travels I meet many people with a disability who I think could help shape Ipswich into a great city for people to live, work and play, however aren’t given the opportunity to do so. During 2013 I want to gain skills to enable me to encourage other people with disabilities to be more active in our community, workplace and decision making processes.

Not side by side, where people with disabilities have an opportunity to shape their futures, rather where people with disabilities work with others in the community to influence the future directions of this great city.

Big dream huh? That’s just what they are dreams rather than goals. However, while my local community is my target, eventually there’ll be 200 leaders with a disability across Australia working towards similar goals. 

My goals span over a 10 year period, so you’ll be happy to know, I’m not planning to achieve this in 2013! Currently I have 4 goals I wanting to work towards.  Some goals will be completed by 2014 but most won’t.

My Leadership Goals

I am hoping my passion for the ‘arts’ will take center stage in 2013, as I work towards achieving my goals! Including working towards my own art exhibition in 2014!

2.   An art retreat to train artists with a disability in the West Morten Area in their area of arts interest.

3.   Working towards Disability Awareness in Ipswich city.

4.   Training and mentoring people with a disability who seek to engage in leadership positions which  will enable them to help shape the future of this region.

While my goals centew around working with people with disabilities in 2013, my dream is this will launch then into main stream community involvements through their own individual interests, whether the be sporting, leisure, the arts, leadership in the workplace, education, advocacy roles, community roles or political.

Of course a large part of my dream is dependent on the introduction of the NDIS.  So as part of my new role is  assisting with Disability Awareness in the Blair.

Looking forward to sharing my leadership journey through out the year.

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