Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Queensland a state where not everyone counts!

From where I sit in my wheelchair and as a public advocate, it seems that Mr Neuman is making more cuts to the human service than anywhere else.  He seems to focus on potential revenue raising such as hosting sporting events and naturally support business, rather than continuing to pay for the human services that state governments have always meet.  Open your eyes and see Queensland is still a growing economy (may not that of the past). If the state invested in its greatest asset - people than more participation in the economy would occur. Those with positive approach and good well being are going to contribute more over time than one off sporting and corporate evens.  If we can afford to host APEC why can't we afford hospital care, NADIS, advocacy funding for tenant, mental health services, transport, maintenance to Queensland public buildings. e.g schools, hospitals & relate health care including buildings that house health services like breast cancer clinics,  , libraries; public transport; education and emergency services! I hope Campell doesn't have a heart attack and at a time the ambulance service is stretching at the seems and fails to respond in time.  All I can say my prorites for cutting debt would differ and continuing down this road he made be a one term Premier. 

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