Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Online Poetry Festival by Australian Poetry on Pozible

Hi As a writer with a significant physical disability, I have to appreciate the power of social connecting. Though facebook, twitter and blogger, I have been able to connect with other writers and industry expertise not just in Australia but around the world. Travelling is one for the many challenges I face as a writer. I am accurate aware of the disadvantage I am at because book fairs, conferences and writers festivals are difficult to attend.

I know this because on the few occasions I have been able to attend such events I have gained a wealth of knowledge, skills, had creative ideas sparked and add key contacts to my networks. Writing events is where my passions most feel alive. For all its perceived glamorization the process of sitting and writing and rewriting and then editing and proof reading, read is only 10% of the product of a book or creation of an artwork. When you click that last full stop - the real work begins.

That last 90% of the project are where the hard yards lie for me. Working with publishers, editors, illustrators, proof readers. Pouring over proofs, cover design . . . . and then there's the market and sales. Books no matter how well they're written, sorry to tell you don't sell themselves. I know you need well developed networks and other authors around you before those first few pagers roll off the printing press.

Traditionally the place where network development occurs and marketing is at writers festivals. What a valuable tool the Internet and social media sites have become to me as a writer. I can be part of writers group; self publish on blogs, promote myself, research heaps and even attend conferences and festival online.

So that's why I excited to learn about Australian's Poetry Online Poetry project and a new way for artist to raise funds for their projects through Pozible. I would like to encourage you to take time to look at both the opportunities and to get involved.

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