Earlier the month I posted on the negative impact that living in this digital age can have on our health. As a participant in Australia’s National Health Awareness Month, I have naturally been monitoring my health more closely. Strangely, after identifying such large negative impact living in a digital age with technology and thus our work lives on tap 24/7; I have been noticing so pretty powerful positive changes in my health and well being due to the birth of the internet and mobile technology.
As a person with multiple disabilities the introduction of computers, mobile phones and other technological devices I believe has lead to a greater quality of life and increased my ability to participate in the life of the community and most certainly given me a voice. Something the recent death of Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple, gave me case to reflect upon.
Certainly without my bulkily Apple II e completing my degree would of taking me many more years. Today as a writer the internet gives much more powerful voice to my work. One of the challenges I face as a write with a disability is the distribution and marketing of my work. Via the internet in particular social media I am developing an international network with other writers, publishers and bloggers. Without the internet networking on an international level was much more difficult.
Being a fairly new convert to the pool of social media, I am still very much in the process of establishing my online profile, which is why I am very excited about the Internet conference taking place this week. It a great opportunity to read what others are doing, and interact with internet users around the world to assist me in my development of my online voice. Which of course was the major reason behind me developing this particular blog, I currently manage 6 six blogs and two Facebook pages, besides my personal page.
Facebook which until beginning of last year, I was determine to never join, is now my link to the world. I receive regular updates (or status posts as there known as on facebook) from almost every organisation I interact with on a professional basis on my Facebook page. OK so I get annoyed at spending 1hr each morning reading my newsfeeds, but I don’t spend hours reading email newsletters and checking individual websites for updates any more. On my Facebook wall each morning is the readers digest of what happening in my professional network system. I even have an events page which has all my internet commitments and I can invite others to personal and professional events and my RSVP and notification and managed from one central point.
Back in the dinosaur world of paperwork, I endure the endless trials of keeping two diaries for personal use and one work so I can submit my work hrs. The number of work things I fail to record in my personal diary and then double book. Oh the joys of being self-employed and flexible work hours. Well facebook has elevated some double booking.
Like everything technology and the Internet has the potential to be abused and misused. This potential for negative impacts on our health and increase social isolation did not develop with the introduction of the internet and mobile devices. Only the way we chose to misuse, abuse and damaged our mental well being has changed.
I think we forget we control technology and the need to be alert to the dangers of letting it control our lives is a constant threat. As wonderful as the devices are there is one human task that can’t be undertaken by a computerised object and that is time management. If you are pulling all-nighters, suffering from lack of sleep or become glued to a keyboard, mobile phone and ipad, believe me it is not the fault of the device you’re using. I believe responsible use of technology has great potential benefits in a number of areas of our lives.
I begun my post by reflecting on the positive impact I had notice my internet and mobile technology has had during Australia’s National Health Awareness Month. Due to social networking sites I have actually increased my social interaction. Which is surprising as one of my main objections to joining Facebook was “I have a real life”, as opposed to ‘Facebook’ friends. At the time many of my friends were caught up in the “Farmville” crazy. All there crops have died and now I am the Facebook fanatic.
The other benefit is I am achieving my writing goals and when I am writing my overall sense of scarification in life and sense of wellbeing have increased. My involvement in BAD #11 was a direct result of my time on Facebook and a link being posted on my wall by an charity I support. I am seeking to find a focus and outlet for my writing so any post of my wall that allows me to explore opportunities I take time read, research and explore.
I know many of my ‘Facebook friends’, don’t follow or subscribe to my blogs so I always put a link to my blog posts in the hope that they are bored and will read my post or share the post with others. At the head of my blog is a poem called Online it pretty much describes my online lifestyle.
There probably one more benefit to developing an online voice as a result of one of my disabilities I have a speech impairment, in my daily life creates a barrier to some people. In a time poor society people lack the time to listen to my ‘real’ voice. So I am often prejudged as having and intellectual disability which is the case in some people with Cerebral Palsy, but not in mine. Currently in cyberspace and the texting world my speech impairment is non existence. Well at least to we change to skyping and video chat.
Enjoy using the Internet and your mobile devices just don’t let them use you.