As I was saying yesterday their is a long road ahead of us as we roll out Disability Care Australia. Firstly there's the major stumbling blocked called the Federal Election on September 7th. Regardless of the outcome we are each responsible for holding the elected government to bring about the full implementations of the scheme.
Our roll as NDIS advocates is not complete until every person with a permeate significant disability becomes under the umbrella of Disability Care Australia. Nor do I feel as Austrailian's do wee fully understand the mission statement, goals and objectives of Disability Care Australia.
These reach far beyond the provision of individualized support and equipment needs we seem so intent on focusing upon. These are clearly obtainable on the website. The central goal is inclusion. The exclusion of people with a disability and their families is a human rights issue. Access to funding and services is only a faction of the obstacles we need to hurdle in the years ahead.
We can provide people with first class support services, but unless our homes, transport systems, public places, employment and sporting and recreational areas are fully accessible to all Australians, the the mission of Disability Care Australia has fallen short. Frankly for this system to work we need to lose this 'what about me attitude.'
Newsflash life is not about you! Full stop! It about each of us coexisting on this planet to ensure each one of us receives and equal playing field and for some of us, that means assistance to get us out of bed in the morning and wiping of bums! That is a human right! Not a finical burden.
I watched my friend help her husband sit straighter in his wheelchair today. She better not be doing that when she reaches 70. I make no apologies I need you to understand how many human rights are violated in Australia everyday, and don't get me started on young people living in nursing homes. ;
Remember I too have a disability and my own struggles but my job is about others. My job is about gaining equal access to all Australians. Its a role of education and activation. If I argue for everyone, when its my turn I will be provider with disability care Australia. Meeting our own agenda wastes time.
The road ahead can be managed together or we can continue to squabble over whose first in line. We can pour of energy into enabling us all to cross the line or waste our energy by squabble over whose first in line.
I leave you to ponder that as I expand on other objectives under Disability Care Australia. As I understand it the objectives are based around community participation and social inclusion.
It people can not physical, intellectually, behaviorally access every area of society than we can have full social inclusion. To maintain contentment while people under 40 are living in nursing home, regardless of their need for 24/7 care is not acceptable in the 21st century. Nor is an inability to access the latest therapies because of costs. I heard a few silent screams from those in that corner, Priority should never be based on pester power.
So what area these objectives:
- Open access for all! Councils, states and business fix up your footpaths, building access, hearing loops, braille services, websites, transport system, employment polices, amendments and educational supports.
- Get with the program! Understand what disability awareness is because its not about the token employee with a invisible disability.
- Education providing the right support to enable of kids to obtain the highest education possible, inability to mobilized should not be a barrier to education. Access or lack of access to education should not be a barrier to employment, but the statistics tell the real story.
- Equal access to all forms of employment.
- Access to therapies, health care and equipment income should not determine the quality of service. Nor should a per existing disability exclude you to any public health treatments offered to others! I'll stop there.
- Access to exercise, sport and recreations. We all know the benefits but some of us can't access facilities and transport is an issue here too.
- Livable home and usable cars not just for those who can afford the modification
- Access to the justice system - better use of avociaites in the justice system.
- Personally education of people living with disabilities around their rights and what the law saids around them.
- Finical protection for those who rely on others to manage their money and support needs.
Lets stand together not run to the start line.