Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Power of We

Blog Action Day is here again . . . and this year’s theme is The Power of We! Bloggers are hitting the key boards, ipads and phones to lend their voices to world change, because we believe we can use our skills to institute world change.  Whether our voices are calling for an end to the child sex slave trade, providing water for the people; bringing Christmas gifts, love and hope to children who have never received a gift before; treating AIDS; fighting for disability reform; dispelling myths around epilepsy; educating women about cancer and making it a preventable disease; We members of BAD#12 believe our collective voices are heard and result in real change!

Mother Teresa one of the greatest humanitarians of our times said, “If you can’t feed a hundred hungry people, then just feed one.”  For me, the true meaning of the power of we, is about millions of alone voices, joining collective voices, changing our world one person at a time. You can smile at a stranger, you can hug someone you love, you can feed a stranger, you can build a well for clean water, you can provide a child’s school books, you can pay for a vaccination, you can urge a girl friend to be diligent in her own health care or you can give a stranger a copy of a book that influenced you the most. If enough of these one off acts are performed by individuals then a catalyst for world change has begun. Will you join me on World Blog Day to knock down a domino to create a change in our world, because we do hold the power?  

Girl's Night In - We hold the power to create change!