Hi! I bet you didn't know my favourite colour is purple. But I like it even move now, because I discovered March 26th is Purple Day! Wow! But if you watch this video clip for the Launch of Purple Day 2012 you will discover the serious side to the fun behind purple day!
Purple Day was started in 2008 by Cassidy Megan, because She wanted people with Epilepsy to know they are not alone". March 26th has become a day where people with epilepsy and seizure disorders, their families, friends, school mates and work colleagues stand in solidarity by wearing purple.
This year I want to invite you to stand out in crowd on March 26 and wear purple, or should I say not stand out, because hopefully everybody's gone purple in support of someone they know who suffers an seizure disorder.
Many people may recognize a grand mal seizure, but did you know the are now over 40 different types of seizure disorders that have been identified. I believe I experienced a type of seizure long before I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I was told because I have a normal EEG I can't not suffer form epilepsy and yet for all intensive purpose it looks to bystanders like I am having a 'mild' form seizure. Eventually, a neurologist diagnosed me as having a complex-partial seizure or 'epilepsy'. My epilepsy is a common secondary disability to Cerebral Palsy.
Relief! Over the I have been wrongly diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Despite me and my friends identifying definite triggers such as me overheating and crowds. I like the majority of people with a seizure disorder do not have grand mal seizures. I do not loss total consciousness, although I appear to be unconscious I remain fully aware of what in happening around me but like someone who experiences a grand mal, I have abnormal body movements which generally only last 30 to 60 seconds. I am left feeling pretty washed out and exhausted afterwards.
Like me 50% of people who experience seizure they can not be controlled by medication. When you can experience something like this at any time, you do feel like a bit of a 'misfit' and going out alone makes me feel awarked. When I have a seizure I do feel like I making a sceptical, a bit like waring bright purple before it became the 'in colour' to wear.
Sadly there are many misconceptions about epilepsy and seizures. Many are too afraid to step in and help and yet that's the best thing. While someone is convulsing, unless their at risk of serious injury the best thing is not to touch them until the movement has stopped and then you just need to roll them into a recovery position and make sure the airways clear. Don't go sticking objects in the mouths, or trying to hold the tongue. You can't swallow your tongue you we might bite it and that's about it. I not sure where that came form.
You can get the facts and figures at http://www.epilepsyqueensland.com.au/site/ and download free first aid posters with your there!
"Having epilepsy doesn't define who I am. On March 26 spread the word by wearing purple!" You can also make a donation to purple day at Epilepsy Queensland.