Life Matters


I discuss here the Matters of Life because Life Matters. From the very moments of conception until we meet face to face with Christ our creator. I share with my readers how my Christian Faith influences my biblical response to the events all around me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

2012 Doomsday? Whatever!

Have you Googled 2012? There are thousands around the world who are convinced that this is the last New Years Eve we will ever celebrate. Apparently the world is going blow-up, collide with an asteroid  or some terrible series of natural disastrous is going to occur to bring about the end. 

Doomsday conspiracies are nothing new and perhaps they are as old at time itself. The notion the this earth will always exists and be able to sustain human life indefinitely is held by very few people. Even those to campaign for a reduction of greenhouse omissions to slow Global Warming hold a doomsday approach to life. 

Some brave scientist believe if we can predict when and how the earth is in danger then we may be able to avoid to any global wipe outs.  Even as a Christian I believe time will end and this earth will pass away, as recorded in the Book of Revelations.      

But will it be on the 21st or 23rd December 2012 as predicted by the Ancient Mayans, I don't think so!  I am no theologian, astronomer, scientist or mathematician. So I can't calculate the statistical probability that world will end on any given date. However, as a student of the bible I do know what the scripture has to say about the timing for end of the world, '. . .No one knows the day or hour when these thing will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.' (Matthew 24:36) Based on this verse alone, the fact that people have or are predicting the world to end on a particular date and even time of day late in  December 2012, leads me to be very dismissive about these predicts. 

These particular dates currently being tossed around are based on the Ancient Mayan Calendar, which is pretty close to the yearly calendar we still use today.   Having said that it pre-dates the historical and religious figure Jesus Christ whose life separates the Ancient and Modern Era. Which in my mind (and I have not read this elsewhere) casts doubts on the accuracy of the translation.

Mayan Calendar
The Maya Calendar known as Tzolkin was based on a 250 day cycle, with in the ancient calendar were smaller cycles of 13 days and 20 days expanded over 52 years.  This was later emerged with the solar 365 days calendar we use today.  The Maya certainly were a sophisticated society to be able to develop a system to record time so far in advance. However, the fact that the late date on the Mayan Calendar is the 21st December 2012 does not mean it is our last day on earth. The 12.21.12 date is simply the last date the Mayan calculated on their calendar based on a 20, 13, 52 cycle (also known as 'The Great Cycle"), modern mathematicians argue based on this calculation system used by Maya this date simply the end of their ability to calculated the precise date beyond . . . . or 12.21.12 or the end of the 'Great Cycle' as in was known.
Translated on a computer model

There is every reason to conceive the Maya simple expected the next 'Great Cycle' to follow, not the end of the world that many are currently predicting for December 2012. Apart from their calendar indicating the end to the current 'Great Cycle', there is little anthropological evidence that the Mayan predict the end of time. (Mayan History of Civilization)

I find it rather amusing that an ancient artefact belonging to an ancient civilization of people who are no longer around, could conceivable predict the end of the world. However, it is alarming than growing numbers of usually sound minded people are making preparations for the end of the world, including building bunkers in the hope they can survive underground if a major explosion occurs, in the hope they can survive the initial impact. This is due to the theory that the earth will only partially destroyed or a major incident will occur like the earth being tipped off is axis's, redistributing the land and water masses of the earth, or setting the start of the next ice age. If this is starting to read like a Hollywood Blockbuster Film, that because 2012 the movie is based on these ridiculous theories, prophecies and the notion it will be possible to survive D - DAY!    

As people we like to think we know everything and control everything and when that is not possible, the uncertainty that creates seems to torment us so much that we seek answers and solutions that simply are not there.  

It is interested in the course of researching my blog post, I came across an article 101 things to do before the world ends, no I haven't read it! But it might make a good laugh if you've got nothing better to do. 

However,  while the Bible which I look to as having the absolute authority on for prophecy end times records signs of what is referred as End Times,  it has this to say about the date,  " . . . The day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the very elements will disappear in fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to be deserve of judgement." 2 Peter 3:10 concerning Judgement Day 

Amazingly 101 of the things to do before the world ends on December 21 2012 is to spend all your money, in other words, eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. If indeed the predictions 'were' correct and judgement day is upon us. Then we would be more wise to reflect on own our judgement. Scripture leaves no questions as to who and how we will be judged.  Every knee and every tongue confess to God (Romans 14:11)  Romans 3:23 reminds, us we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god and in Romans 6:23 we are told the penalty for sins even one single is death.

However your destinity is not a pre-gone conclusion.  Scripture tells us that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. When this world does come to an end  it will not be the end of existence. You are a spiritual being and thus a life without end.  The choices you make now will determine where you spend entirety. Either with God or Separated from God.  The Bible tells we are and can be saved by grace. Good people living a good lives do not automatically go to heaven.  There was a price to be paid, the punishment has to be death. Jesus paid that price for you in full. He was born, lived a sinless life and die in order we may live with God forever more.

Forget the doomsday plans, if you want to live the life God created you to live for eternity then admit it you like every  other person are a sinner and need Jesus to paid the price. If we confess our sins God is faithful and just and will forgive our sins. (1 John 1:9)  To be sure I'll meet you in heaven visit Heaven 4 Sure or email me.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 1 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

It with a tinge of sadness I record my last day of a truly magic journey, but it is also reason to rejoice in the privilege of sharing the Spirit of Christmas with so many people. Both new friends and neighbours and people I have never met. The boys and girls who will open Christmas Presents; my high school teacher; Zeke and David; Piper who will enjoy her Christmas bike; the child who will receive the greatest journey; the girl set free because I brought a tee; those who ate the Candy Canes and those who helped me give them away; to the forgotten person is in a nursing home, and my support worker. You'll never know how much you've given me.

Some of the Gifts and Fellow Travellers
Who blessed and enriched my journey along the way.
Thank you and Happy Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, I gave my neighbour a box of candy canes and hand delivered my support worker's letter. These are the people, the faces and the hearts that opened the Spirit of Christmas along the way. So if you want to see the Christmas of Spirit open your heart to a stranger or some one you know in need, for that's where I found the magic of Christmas, 2011.

Thank you to all who shared the journey, especially my friend Alison who has edited and proof-read my journal along the way.

Happy Christmas

* Copies of my journey will be available as a PDF after Christmas. If you'd like a print copy please email me there will be a small printing and postage cost

12 Days of the Spirit of Christmas

Here's Piper on "Bike"

From me to you!

Wishing all my readers
a Christmas Full
of Christ's richest blessings!

Prologue to Day 3 of The Spirit of Christmas

            He waits

The old man sits alone
In a semi lit room
Looking out the window
And waits . . .

He sat there too yesterday
And the day before
As though he was waiting
For someone to come . . .

But no one came
No one sent flowers
No one remember his birthday
No Christmas cards on the wall.

No one has come
Since the police left
That was two years ago
His only daughter died.

No one came to the church
No one sent flowers
He sat alone and said good-bye
And now he waits . . .

Alone in the semi-darkness
In his nursing home room
There are again no cards
This Christmas.

As he sits waiting
For the end of his journey to come
And waiting comes to end
Then he will never feel alone again.

Debbie Chilton Copyright (c) 2011

I was deeply touched by my experience of writing to a forgotten person alone in a nursing home yesterday. The haunting images that formed as I wrote my letter are strong still clear in my mind Perhaps I needed to write this.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 2 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

In some ways I don't feel like I've given a gift today, although the recipients probably see it otherwise. In my mind I haven't set about to do anything that I wouldn't have done if it wasn't Christmas and yet these things are still part of my Spirit of Christmas Journey.

I spent a couple of hours today writing up a testimonial for a the website of a company who have been a tremendous support to me this year as my mobility and independence has declined. The service and support is the difference between looking at going into care; or gaining my independence back as I have done.

In October, I was well enough to hold my annual fundraiser for the Queensland Cancer Council and the company jumped at the chance to support the event. Honestly in many ways they're like family to me. No matter what I need, or when I need it, the staff are always happy to help. A few hours of my time for a promotion doesn't seem like much at all.

I also spent some time today thinking about another organization and, well, I may have made a small donation too.

Through this journey there has been an aspect that I haven't written about and that's the people I've travelled with and the new friends I have made along the way. It's so refreshing to correspond with like minded people. As a Christian, one of my greatest gifts is the ability to write small notes of encouragement. Being able to encourage others on their journey and receive encouragement too is one of the greatest things that will remain with me long after my journey has ended.

Now that is the true meaning of Christmas. Giving to family and friends and sharing the high's and low's as we travel together.

I hope you'll join me for my last post tomorrow!

Emergency ID Australia Jewellery Helps Me Live With Confindence

Used with Permission: Photo is
the property of The Department of
Communities Queensland
Photographer: Peter Waddington (c) 2011   

In early 2011 my seizures had become controllable and my confidence to access the community independently was at a low point. My friends were urging me to obtain a medical bracelet and my medical team hoped it would more confidence to travel alone, many were concerned I was choosing to isolate myself.

So I googled medical jewellery and Emergency ID Australia came up on the search. What I liked about was the 24hr call service so paramedicies could access my medical details especially a list of medications I take.  

Wearing my stylist jewellery has meant I am again confident to access the community on my own and resume my community work which means so much to me.

I was able to place stickers on my wheelchair to alter people to look for my jewellery.

You can read about my life in the community at Debbie Shares Her Story 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 3 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

Since I last posted I have been busy writing letters. Hey! What a novel idea for a writer to do 'write'! Sitting on that table is a letter and Christmas card addressed to an unknown resident in a nursing home. Thanks to Trista for posting the The Forgotten Ones link. I was able to write to a resident in a nurse home that probably has little contact with the outside world. So that was a nice thing to be able to do.

I also decided to sit down and write to my support worker whose house was flooded early in the year. In January 1000's of people's homes in Ipswich were flooded. I am very thankful that I live on a hill. The houses in the lower part of the Street weren't so fortunate. Our city is still very much in the recovery process and many people still won't be in their own homes to celebrate this Christmas. It is sad to think that many people who weren't affected by the floods have moved on and unaware the 100's of people in our community are still struggling to rebuild the lives.

As my worker shared, part of the hold up is there are only so many builders, and 100's of people needing repairs to their homes and business. May I encourage those who live in towns and cities across the eastern coast of Australia affected by natural disasters last summer to shop locally as many people lost both their homes and businesses.

Sadly these people won't have extras for Christmas this year and some, like my support worker, don't even have a home to live in. Maybe there are people in similar situations in your own country that you can reach out to this Christmas.

It been great to stop and reflect on some of the suffering in our community that we don't see from day to day.

As my journey nears the end I feel a tinge of sadness even though everyday there are opportunities to share random acts of kindness in the community. I shall leave you with this thought posted on The Forgotten Ones Facebook Page.

"I shall pass through this world once.
Any good therefore that I can do
or any kindness that I can show 
to any human being, let me do it now.
Do not let me defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again."

                                                               ~ Mahatma Ghandi ~

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 4 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

Today I had a phone call from the organizers of the Gold Coast Community Lunch - a free community Christian Lunch on Christmas Day which anyone can attend. I explained that I was able to post the books for the children's Christmas presents down yesterday; however because of my personal circumstances I couldn't buy the ham myself that I needed to give someone the money to buy it. We eventually worked out I could make a direct deposit into a bank account. After she explained that they were not a registered charity, I said I don't care I still want to help. I asked if X amount would cover the cost of a ham. I should explain I have never bought a leg of ham and have no idea of the cost. “Oh My God” the lady said, “gosh any amount we're most grateful for.” So I guess it covers the ham with some left over.

I still feel a little lost for a act of kindness to do today. I'm finding it hard that most of my day is at spent at home so I don't have people in line behind me to pay for. Maybe my act of kindness is perseverance at working how to pay of this ham. Seems to still be a communication problem.

I have plenty of ideas but the how-to lets me down. So once again I settled on making an online donation. It’s just all a bit impersonal . It lacks a human touch. I am going to try and write to one of my support workers who has been affected by the floods early in the year. Her spirit to give to others even though she is in the process of rebuilding her own home and has no running water is inspiring. She would never see herself as being 'in-need' and has willing given to my fundraising activities during the year. I marvel at her Christmas wish for a flushing toilet. In a world of technology that said so much to me.

I was myself was treated to an act of kindness today. A friend popped in for about 20 mins. At this time of year that's generous. I mention this because we were discussing the meaning and different value we attach to this and different days of year. While our conversation related to a Christian perspective, the same can be said for any object or event. I am sure running water has two very different meanings to me and my support worker and an entirely different meaning to someone who has never had running water in their homes.

The Spirit of Christmas giving too has a different meaning to each of us. For some it’s sending Christmas cards in mail; for others it is buying gifts for family and friends; for some it’s making a donation to a Christmas appeal or putting a gift under the Kmart (Wallmart) wishing tree; and for another it’s visiting a nursing home, doing some baking for a neighbour or making hand-made gifts. My friend reminds me it not what you do or how you do it, as long a your doing it for the 'right' reason.

So however you're experiencing this years Spirit Of Christmas I hope its by being true to yourself and the reason you celebrate Christmas.

Until tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 5 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

I was thinking the only thing I managed to do today was to post off some books for charity that I bundled up yesterday. However, I just remembered I grabbed a home made Christmas card for my doctor. I had been slack and just sent her an e-card, which she appreciated.

I said I thought you might be offended not getting a hand made card this year, so here it is! I wouldn't have gone out of my way to get it to her other than I was sick, but I can't help wondering how many patients think of the doctors at Christmas time, let alone sit and make them a card. I had already sent her the e-card so taking in a handmade card as well must count as an act of kindness. Did I help change the world? No! Did I make my doctors day? Well I like to think so.

Sharing the spirit of Christmas isn't a feeling – it’s an act of will to do something for someone or give a gift to someone who you wouldn't normally go out of your way to help or give to.

Before I go I thought I'd give you a update on Piper's Christmas Bike Appeal. Got a message this morning saying all the money had been raised and Piper's Christmas wish will be granted. Ok! Now that brings a smile to my face! I know when I laid my hands on a Trike the fun and adventure I had and I pray Piper will enjoy her 'bike' and riding with her friends for many years to come. Now there's the magic of Christmas!

Catch up again tomorrow,

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 6 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

Well, before I left for church this morning I bundled up all my presents. The books and pencils for the boys and the candy cane for us adults to have with our coffee. At the last minute I grabbed one more thing, a bucket of building blocks, I imagined my little friends would enjoy some construction and probably destruction too.

I had intended to bring the blocks home but walked out without them. I left instructions that the books and pencil were theirs, all I asked was that they shared the true meaning of Christmas with everyone, but the blocks were for next Sunday and the next and the next.

So now the boys can build more roads and more tunnels and more trains. They were very busy over lunch. Adults were amazed at the effort I put in. Time! Sometimes it’s the gift of time you put in that people appreciate the most.

Once upon a time people did sit and make hand-made gifts, but now people have so many more things to occupy their time. Christmas seems to be a time of busy activity full of stress, but watch a child with a colour in book and some pencils being careful to stay within the lines, taking pride in their task and all seems at peace in the world.

Hope you to can steal some time to enjoy the simplistic of life and the true Spirit of Christmas.

Day 7 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

I should tell where I think the Spirit of Christmas was hiding yesterday, I don't think she was too far away at all. I think the spirit of Christmas is always somewhere in someone's heart even when they say it’s not.

I still feeling oh mm today, but I'd decided that how I feel has nothing to do with the Spirit of Christmas. Today reminds me that Christmas is not a joyful season for everyone. My plans today were cancelled because my little cousin is in hospital. I am also mindful of friends who are not sure if their parents are going to still be alive on Christmas morning and there is a group of people who have never experienced a happy Christmas because they grew up in dysfunctional families.

I think the myth is that Christmas is about getting these warm fuzzy feelings I had a few weeks ago. It's not! Christmas is about the spirit of giving. Just as God gave to us his only begotten Son one Christmas over 2,000 years ago. (You might like to check out my blog archives "Is Jesus the reason for the Season", to read about the history of Christmas.) We are to follow his example of unconditional giving at Christmas time.

Just because I don't 'feel' happy today, doesn't mean I not happy in my Spirit or that I'm not experiencing the Spirit of Christmas. How I feel is most probably due to some medication issues I have at present. I think the Spirit of Christmas is still in my heart, because I'm still thinking about others and how to bless them. I spent a few hours today finishing off my table place settings and they are neatly bundled up ready to go and the boys’ presents are wrapped too.

So if you're looking for the Spirit of Christmas, this year may I suggest you look within your heart.

Check in with you again tomorrow

Friday, December 16, 2011

Domino Effect - Spirit of Christmas

Author Unknown

We’re in a world so busy

People running everywhere.
Forever looking at our watches
Our minds racing with cares.

We never see that lonely man
Sitting on the street.
We don’t even notice that hungry lady
Struggling in the heat.

Children so needy
Filled with despair.
An old grandma rocking sadly
And no one cares.

We must remember
Jesus left us with a plea…
“Ye did unto the least of these
my brethren, ye did it unto me.”

So what about you?
What about me?
What about the lonely man
Sitting on the street?

Will you reach out
Without a shadow of doubt?
Will you love the least of these
And fulfill Jesus’ plea?

A smile for the lonely man sitting on the street.
A bit of food for the hungry lady struggling in the heat.
A hug for the children so full of despair.
A cheery voice for the old Grandma in the rocking chair.

This seems so simple
Such an easy thing to do.
Let’s reach out for the least of these
And for Jesus too.

Day 8 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

Ok! Who stole my Christmas Cheer? It was here yesterday. I ventured out today and it was madness! I mean it was like dodgem cars on the roads and no cheery retail staff in sight. It was like the whole city had a double dose of Friday afternoon syndrome. Smiles were in very short supply.

The only person I found in the Christmas Spirit was a fellow Pay-It-Forwarder who bought me lunch. Yes! I had the magic candy canes with me. I lift them sitting on a shop counter. Hopeful someone finally decided to open them and enjoyed the Spirit of Christmas.

I did manage to pass on some gifts to a special little boy who enjoyed reading my Children's Book (which he borrowed from his uncle) earlier in the year. So now he has his own personally signed copy and some more to take to school when he returns in the new year.

While I was out I finished the books for the boys and brought colour crayons so the boys will be occupied on Sunday. I am planing to steal some time here and there tomorrow to finish the place cards for lunch on Sunday.

I confess, I too seemed to have a slight case of too much silly season. I my hope as I continue on with my projects the Spirit of Christmas spark will re-ignite and my gifts tomorrow and Sunday will see the flame glowing and weaving its magic.

I'll let you know tomorrow.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 9 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

There's a tug at my heart today, there's a little girl who is wishing for a new bike for Christmas. Ok so there's lots of kids wanting bikes - what makes this one different? Like me Piper has CP. I can identify with her frustration and dreaming of being able to ride a bike with her friends. However, neither of us can physically ride a bicycle due to lack of balance and muscle control.

Piper told her OT (occupational therapist) of her dream to go bike riding with her friends and the OT has recommend a bike that is suited to her needs but, due to muscle fatigue, in order to be able to ride the bike Piper also needs a special suit. I know first hand the benefits of wearing what I term 'my second skin'. The catch is the cost of Piper's bike and suit is over $3,000 and with other kids to buy presents for her parent can not fulfil Piper's dream.

I read about Pipers dream through a charity called 'I give a buck', if everyone gave $1 to buy these special kids equipment then it makes it easy to raise the money. (All equipment must be prescribed by a registered OT, parents can't just make a request to the I give a buck) so how could I not contribute to this little girls Christmas wish. If you'd like to help Piper or another child visit I Give A Buck to donate.

Speaking of giving I have entered a Facebook competition to assist my friend’s medical costs for her breast cancer. If you could take the time to vote at the link below I would appreciate it.

Dear Debbie,

Your nomination has been approved!

We are pleased to advise that your Gift of Giving nomination has been selected as one of our Top 5 nominations!
You can now visit the Gift of Giving Facebook page and vote for your nomination! The top 2 nominations that receive the most votes will be the winners of the $500 gift.
To increase your chances of winning, we recommend you encourage your friends/family/work colleagues to vote also. You can easily let them know about voting by clicking the "share" button beside your story.
We wish you all the best of luck :)
Kind Regards
ECU Australia.

Now are you wondering how my supply of Candy Canes is going? Well . . . Today I boxed up a supply and gave it to one of my support workers. I asked her to share them with her other clients next week. So the candy canes are continuing to weave their magic and I still need to print out the place cards and attach the candy canes to them before Sunday.

My final experience of the Spirit of Christmas I want to share today is:-
last night I sat and wrote to one of my teachers who taught me English and Economics in my finial years at school. It was through my teacher’s encouragement that I had the self-belief to go on to uni and complete my Bachelor of Arts and became a writer. I met up again with this teacher about 8 years ago at a Children's Writer's festival. It is uncanny to think we both are children's writers.

I found this a fascinating exercise. I am not sure why Charlie put it on the list of suggestions. Shh! It wasn't handwritten. I’ve been typing since I was 8 years old due to poor hand eye coordination. I’m not sure what Michael will make of the letter. Again it felt like it was me receiving the gift. Despite all the verbal bullying that occurred while at school, it still held a sense of security with my teachers taking a keen interest in what seemed a frightening future, especially deciding to leave home to study in a city I didn't know. I couldn’t help wondering how different my life would have been without the guidance of Michael and my other wonderful teachers. I personally had no intention of applying to uni.

I think it brought the incredible gift my teachers had given me. Choosing not to shelter myself away or hide behind my disability but embrace life and to give others the encouragement I had been given as a young adult. I guess that what the Pay It Forward movement is all about.
Sitting at my desk I feel a tinge of guilt over that effect 'all this giving' is giving back to me. Is it meant to feel so good? Needless to say I am finding the Spirit of Christmas is alive and well.

Until tomorrow . . .       

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So Celebrate Christmas

Without Christmas there would be no Easter,
No Christ Child to rescue those fallen on earth,
No grace to give us reason to hope,
No joy or peace, nor the presence of enteral love.

No angels would to announced his birth,
No Sheppard’s would come to worship Him.
No wise men to come to present the gifts,
To foretell the pain and toucher of His death.

No one to take our place on the cross,
No Saviour to shred his blood for us, 
That washed away the stain of our sin,
No such thing of everlasting life in the present of the king.

So celebrate Christmas
The birth of the Redeemer,
Saviour the Hope, Peace and Joy,
Remembering the child born to die on the cross!  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 10 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

I am beginning to realise embarking of my Spirit of Christmas adventure was the best Christmas present I could be giving myself this year. In addition to taking part in the 12 Gifts of Christmas organized by Chain Links I am coordinating a 12 Days of Christmas event with a few of my friends. We have nominated today as Smile Day.

In all that the Silly Season brings in a Summer Stormy Season in Australia, the stress builds and human nature too often gets the better of us. Sometimes we need to stop and count to ten and then smile to remind ourselves that it is Christmas.

If you've been following my journey you know I had an upset stomach yesterday, so I decided to have fish for dinner. I went up to buy my fish & chips and the staff in the store weren't all that "cheery". The are always helpful and come from around the counter to help me with the door. One staff member was having dinner before her shift, she left the table to help me with the door. I wanted to let them know this customer appreciates the extra service. All I said was "you guys are wonderful!" Once again it was like the spirit of Christmas had magically changed the mood in the shop. I imagine it had the same effect as me taking in individual gift wrap presents for each of them.

Coming home is when I realize the magic my journey was having on me. I don't need to buy expensive gifts - in fact I don't need to buy gifts at all! All I need to do is choose my attitude wisely. I believe it has a powerful effect to change the world.

But I did get to making some Christmas gifts last night. I made a start of story colouring in books for the boys at church. And I still have plenty of those candy canes to work their magic. I was putting together something on the thought behind the candy canes for the two boys, when I decided we as adults may also appreciate using the candy cane to help us reflect on the meaning of Christmas too.

As a small gathering we have a fellowship lunch each week, so I have been busy this morning making individualised place cards for the table on Sunday. Ok Charlie, I know they’re not handwritten, but they will be delivered on Sunday with love. I still like the idea of an old fashion 'snail mail' letter, however if today's exercise was about the personal touch then I think the table place cards meet the requirement.

I hope the magic that is the Spirit of Christmas is starting to touch your lives to as we ask others to Pay It Forward.

Looking for to more adventures tomorrow!

What is your Christmas favorited gift?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 11 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

Well . . . My mission to delivery Candy Canes without being caught was successful! My neighbour just brought in my mail, with a candy cane. "Someone's been playing Santa", she informed me. "The candy canes were on all our boxes." It warmed my heart to smile, "Arrh! Isn't that nice?"

It warms my heart that something so simple can bring smile to our faces. It is like the Spirit of Christmas light switch was turned on and the spirit came alive. I was just sitting at my desk pondering what to write, still feeling low in spirits, when she knocked at the door.

At present I have a badly infected finger and a high dose of antibiotics is making my tummy feel a little unsettled and the humidity is adding to fatigue. So it’s true the act of giving no matter how small makes you feel good inside and it’s more fun when it’s done in secret.

Currently I am involved in an number of Facebook groups who are using variations on the Random Acts of Kindness Theme, when we share it can feel like boasting and an number of participators are sharing that feeling. But at I read the experiences of others it brings joy to my soul that I am not alone in believing small random acts can make this place a nicer place to live.

So as I sit here today with the challenges life has presented me, the act I chose today seems like a “cop out". I paid for 3 Greatest Journeys through Samaritan's Purse a charity I regularly give to.

It's later in the day now and I've started on a project that will take a few days. I'm making a story colour-in Christmas book for two young boys who attend the same church as I do, based on my story Santa's Present to Jesus! Now I'm having fun with this one!

Check in with you again tomorrow

Do you know what a "Candy Cane Really is"? Many years ago a candy maker wanted to make candy that would symbolize the true meaning of Christmas-Which is "Jesus" The hard candy was shaped like a " J " to represent that Jesus is our rock of all ages. The candy was white, that stands for the pureness of Jesus, and the red represents the blood that Jesus shed to save us from our sins. So the next time you see a candy cane, take a minute to remember the real meaning of 'Christmas'.

Day 12 - The Spirit of Christmas Journey

To be honest as I embark on the spirit of Christmas journey, I feel flat and defeated and wonder how I can participate in an event that requires random acts of kindness. As I have Cerebral Palsy I need assistance with daily living assistance. Ok so cooking cookies for neighbours is out, but buy 'chocolates' hey I can do that. The other challenge is needing assistance and not letting my workers think I'm gone potty.

One of the greatest challenges when you’re in the position of 'need' is convincing others than you can still offer help and support (to others). Lets face it, it's madness in our shopping centres, car parks and roads at present. Who can't benefit from a touch of kindness this time of year? RAOKS don't need to be acts of charity, but they can be.

Today a friend was having trouble with a website I use regularly, now that's something I can do. It took me a few minutes to walk her through the site and send an ecard, it seemed like nothing, but the smile on her face told me she appreciated my help. As for letting me buy her lunch next week well.. Maybe next Christmas.

So my "12 Gifts Of Christmas' will look different to everyone else's but this time of year any act of kindness is a hit! I do have a Christmas wish you may be able to help me with. I was at the post office today and it was as you can imagine 12 days out from Christmas it was craziness. The guys put out dates every year of last dates to post presents to different destinations and yet we walk in at the last minute in a flap and demand, demand, demand! Can you remember retail staff are just as stressed as you and I, they’ve got the same sort of things to do this time of year as we have. Choose not to make it more stressful do things like post things on time. Simple, doesn't cost anything but makes the world a better place.

Speaking of the post, that gives me an idea - I can blue-tac candy canes to the letter boxes in my unit complex. . ,. It's not too late to start your own 12 Gifts of Christmas sign up now more information is available at It Takes One

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Presents Ideas

My Version of the 12 Days of Christmas (2011)

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me a water pump for the whole village.

On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me two cows for a Bangladesh and a water pump for the whole village.

On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the forth day of Christmas my true love sent to me four Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, eight sets of new cloths, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two  cows for a Bangladesh  family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, nine school desks, eight sets of new cloths, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, ten school book packs, nine school desks, eight sets of new cloths, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two  cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me, eleven sets of school uniforms, ten school book packs, nine school desks, eight sets of new cloths, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four 
Sevenly tees, three goats, two cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me, twelve operation Christmas child shoe boxes, eleven sets of school uniforms, ten school book packs, nine school desks, eight sets of new cloths, seven days of rice, six jars to carry water, five fat hens, four Sevenly tees, three goats, two  cows for a Bangladesh family and a water pump for the whole village.
 (c) Debbie Chilton, 2011